DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

More rumors...

"According to my source, Momoa signed the dotted line and joined the Batman vs. Superman cast a couple of months ago. There’s no word yet on who Momoa will be playing, but previous rumors have tied him to Aquaman. I’m labeling this as a rumor for now, but I feel that this information is accurate based on who I got it from." - Batman-News
Um, why would previous rumors tie Momoa to aquaman? Doesn't seem like a good match even for a rumor.
It'll likely be a few seconds of cameos, you really going to complain about a few seconds of cameos?
Movie is gonna suck.... quote me.
Like GL types of suckage?

Hmmmmmm....... I'm thinking wolverine suck. Like it's watchable......... But when you're done you're just like "the hell??"
The Wolverine was okay for me but if it's Wolverine Origins bad, yikes. I'd hope DC would just stick to cartoons and their CW shows.
It'll likely be a few seconds of cameos, you really going to complain about a few seconds of cameos?
Is it really gonna just be a few seconds though? They have to be strategically placed and not take away from the plot of the movie.
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I believe it will be small cameos, "insider" from SHH forum also stated that it is no more than that but even without that info, I still think that is all they can do.

Like in the end, I could see Superman monologuing talking about heroes being present and while showing clips/montage of Aquaman rising out of the sea, Cyborg being assembled at Star Labs, GL (John Stewart) being inducted in OA, etc...

But even if it's like Superman visiting Star Labs and he meets Victor Stone visiting his dad and that was it, that could be a simple cameo that just give you an idea he exists and will be in the next film. Quick and simple.
It'll likely be a few seconds of cameos, you really going to complain about a few seconds of cameos?

Yes. Yes I iz gon complain. They're just scrambling for that Avenger money. They could've easily held this off until MO3.
Is Momoa even a good actor? I haven't seen any of his work, and I heard he was horrendous in Conan. I'm not saying that you have to cast DDL or anything, but it's an interesting piece of casting. Physically, he looks more like a choice for Lobo.
It'll likely be a few seconds of cameos, you really going to complain about a few seconds of cameos?

Yes. Yes I iz gon complain. They're just scrambling for that Avenger money. They could've easily held this off until MO3.

Eh, agree to disagree.

I mean really, people were sh*tting on MoS so I am not sure why those guys would want more single Superman films. I liked MoS plenty and I don't mind Bats being in it with small cameos from others. We know Superman pretty well. This is still a Superman film with Batman in it.

People were begging for Wolverine to be in this and Spiderman to be in that and Fox and Sony should let them have a scene in Marvel films but when DC does em it's a typical sh*tstorm? I mean come on, a few seconds of cameos that doesn't change the plot or feel of the film and you still b*tch about em? Not everyone has to do what Marvel did, they just have to plan ahead. But then they do origins and then people say they just jocking Marvel still.

I mean seriously, why can't we just let DC do what they do and judge when it's all said and done? I mean I know, I know their track record isn't the best but it is a positive sign that they are looking ahead instead of doing one-off films and hoping they can make a sequel later on.

It's just like in comic book forums about this film facing off against Cap 3. People were laughing that DC will chicken out they'll be Marvels b*tch then when a rumor that Cap3 was moving, those guys all of a sudden changed tunes and started saying "well Marvel is the bigger man for moving, no need to stoop to some d*** measuring contest!' :lol: DC just can't win. It's insane.
Is Momoa even a good actor? I haven't seen any of his work, and I heard he was horrendous in Conan. I'm not saying that you have to cast DDL or anything, but it's an interesting piece of casting. Physically, he looks more like a choice for Lobo.

I thought he was decent in Conan, it was the script and overall film that sucked. He was very good as Khal Drogo but that role was very limited in showing what he can do. I think he is good enough though from what I've seen.
The problem I see with this movie is that everyone already has a "batman" set in their mind from the trilogy. The one in this movie will be more "cartoony" so to speak so it'll kinda be off putting IMO.
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The problem I see with this movie is that everyone already has a "batman" set in their mind from the trilogy. The one in this movie will be more "cartoony" so to speak so it'll kinda be off putting IMO.

How'd you know?

I think the audience is smart enough separate the two as long as they don't go all Schumacher with this Bats. I mean you've seen Snyders take on Superman, this Batman will be just be as gritty and dark as Nolan if not more.
Eh, agree to disagree.

I mean really, people were sh*tting on MoS so I am not sure why those guys would want more single Superman films. I liked MoS plenty and I don't mind Bats being in it with small cameos from others. We know Superman pretty well. This is still a Superman film with Batman in it.

People were begging for Wolverine to be in this and Spiderman to be in that and Fox and Sony should let them have a scene in Marvel films but when DC does em it's a typical sh*tstorm? I mean come on, a few seconds of cameos that doesn't change the plot or feel of the film and you still b*tch about em? Not everyone has to do what Marvel did, they just have to plan ahead. But then they do origins and then people say they just jocking Marvel still.

I mean seriously, why can't we just let DC do what they do and judge when it's all said and done? I mean I know, I know their track record isn't the best but it is a positive sign that they are looking ahead instead of doing one-off films and hoping they can make a sequel later on.

It's just like in comic book forums about this film facing off against Cap 3. People were laughing that DC will chicken out they'll be Marvels b*tch then when a rumor that Cap3 was moving, those guys all of a sudden changed tunes and started saying "well Marvel is the bigger man for moving, no need to stoop to some d*** measuring contest!'
DC just can't win. It's insane.
That's one of my problems with all this. Get THIS character right before hinting at everyone else. This has nothing to do with me wanting them to copy Marvel's approach. They don't have to. The fact that they're doing all of this so fast just shows that they're trying to ride off of Marvel's success with the Avengers. They're trying to start their own cinematic universe. They should at least establish they're main character first. We should've gotten a sequel, and then they could've hinted at the JL in MOS3.
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That's one of my problems with all this. Get THIS character right before hinting at everyone else. This has nothing to do with me wanting them to copy Marvel's approach. They don't have to. The fact that they're doing all of this so fast just shows that they're trying to ride off of Marvel's success with the Avengers. They're trying to start their own cinematic universe. They should at least establish they're main character first. We should've gotten a sequel, and then they could've hinted at the JL in MOS3.

But what you aren't getting in what I am saying is that the small cameos isn't going to affect whatever Superman characterization they are trying to accomplish. You are admittedly complaining about a few seconds of cameo. A few seconds! Like that will affect the whole film and none of it will be about Superman at all after you see Cyborg for 3 seconds. That is your complaint, I mean really, that doesn't sound ridiculous to you?

Honestly, Superman was pretty much fleshed out in MoS, people are just looking for Reeves version when really, that wasn't necessary in the story, he was finding himself, he was a drifter, no need to be a bumbling geek yet.

And Superman is pretty established, I am not sure what else you want. They laid out everything about him in MoS and even if they don't, he is just like Spiderman and Batman, you already know who he is.
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But what you aren't getting in what I am saying is that the small cameos isn't going to affect whatever Superman characterization they are trying to accomplish. You are admittedly complaining about a few seconds of cameo. A few seconds! Like that will affect the whole film and none of it will be about Superman at all after you see Cyborg for 3 seconds. That is your complaint, I mean really, that doesn't sound ridiculous to you?

Honestly, Superman was pretty much fleshed out in MoS, people are just looking for Reeves version when really, that wasn't necessary in the story, he was finding himself, he was a drifter, no need to be a bumbling geek yet.

And Superman is pretty established, I am not sure what else you want. They laid out everything about him in MoS and even if they don't, he is just like Spiderman and Batman, you already know who he is.

So are there going to be no more solo sequels since he's so fleshed out?

My complaint is that this is just a JL prologue. Tryna get that Avenger money as quickly as possible.
I never said he is so fleshed out that you can't tell another story with him, you know his main characteristics, it was explained how he arrived to it. This is still a Superman sequel (you are ignoring this fact) that will flesh him out further. He can still shine with Bats in the same film. A few seconds cameo isn't going to affect that much.

So where was your complaint for 1 Cap film and then quickly jumping to the Avengers? Same with Thor? Didn't they need to be fleshed out? Why does Superman need one more film instead of the others having origins?

I'd understand if your complaint were this film was like Avengers but it isn't. If they have cameos and then that leads to an origin films for WW and GL and Flash and Cyborg? Who says it'll be JL right away?

Did you see JL War animated film? Was it great or what? Did it work? Did you understand it? Did you need origins for everyone for that animation film to work?

It isn't a JL prologue unless all they do is set it up the whole film like an alien invades and all those guys come out to take out those aliens. If they just do cameos, that isn't a prologue.

Wheres your complaint about Marvel films being practically a commercial for the Avengers? Hell IM2 was all about SHIELD, lots of tie-ins in all of their films too. Plenty of critics and viewers sees all these origins films from Marvel as a prologue to the Avengers, cameos just happens to be just Fury and the tessseract, wheres your complaint there?

All you can really say is they are just trying to get Avenger money? Ignoring that they already tried a JL film way before Avengers was ever made? All you really saying is "this ia JL prologue and they want Avengers money" and really not much else. It's a tired argument.
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I never said he is so fleshed out that you can't tell another story with him, you know his main characteristics, it was explained how he arrived to it. This is still a Superman sequel (you are ignoring this fact) that will flesh him out further. He can still shine with Bats in the same film.

So where was your complaint for 1 Cap film and then quickly jumping to the Avengers? Same with Thor?

I'd understand if your complaint were this film was like Avengers but it isn't. If they have cameos and then that leads to an origin films for WW and GL and Flash and Cyborg? Who says it'll be JL right away?

It isn't a JL prologue unless all they do is set it up the whole film like an alien invades and all those guys come out to take out those aliens. If they just do cameos, that isn't a prologue.

Wheres your complaint about Marvel films being practically a commercial for the Avengers? Hell IM2 was all about SHIELD, lots of tie-ins in all of their films too. Plenty of critics and viewers sees all these origins films from Marvel as a prologue to the Avengers, cameos just happens to be just Fury and the tessseract, wheres your complaint there?

That's Marvel's plan, we talking about DC. Marvel had what they set in since TIH. Don't try to make it seem like I'm the only one who wanted a simple solo MOS sequel. Yes we know who we is, I still wanted to see another solo adventure after we got a meh origin for him. After that, they could've then fleshed out their universe.
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Word I would of loved to see another MOS sequel. Flesh out his consequences for messing up a city, him having to deal with killing, a new villain.

Instead of rushing Batman with him.
Yeah well I want to f' Scarlett Johanson, we can't have everything we want. :lol:

I'm not arguing that a sequel isn't a better option, again you are ignoring the fact that this is a Superman sequel. If you feel the first one was "meh", the next sequel Bats or no Bats, cameo or no cameo will be made by the same person so if you thought that the first one was "meh" then why would you want another one that'll likely be "meh"? That's like you hating Daredevil and asking for another one with the same cast, writers, directors, etc...

The argument is that your complaint is the few seconds of cameo and that results in this film not being a sequel for Supes anymore and that it is just trying to make Avenger money. You've said this in all your post like it presents something new and changes anything in the argument. I mean really, so what? Let them do their sh*t. If they feel this is the way to go, then sit back and judge after you see the film not because you feel a 3 second cameo will ruin the film.

You guys are also forgetting that Snyder admitted Supes will face consequences and that consequence is likely Batman. But instead all you see is "oh no another casting rumor, oh no they making this JL film cuz there's a hero that'll show up for 3 seconds in the film!"
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marvel has a gang of characters that they can develop into great franchises that u would never think of using like GOTG....DC is not that strong with their characters so u have to strike correctly when u have superman batman films after that nobody wants to see most dc characters in a film that includes W.W.,G.L. the Flash and Shazam....the properties dc should touch they ignore like JL Dark which could be a constantine sequal sort of let del toro direct thats the JL movie you could win with now....just sayin if u fail with ur two biggest franchise it may take a while to get the buzz back marvel has room to fail thor 3 and capt 3 can fail cause u got hulk,dr strange,black panther,daredevil,luke cage,iron man 4,the punisher,iron fist,shang chi master of kung fu etc that u havent touched.....
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