Did OS X Lion Change NT Colors? (Pic) (MAC USERS HELP)

Aug 20, 2003

For some reason after upgrading to Lion just now this is how NT looks for me. Anyone now how to change it back?

...so bright...
meh senio thanks for at least trying to help

now anyone actually know what they're talking about?
don't see why mac users not chiming in for you, i'll run mac in a virtual machine and see what to do
The only thing lion changed for me was making my computer much slower....smh. I'm using firefox and it is the normal NT page.
Having the same problem. Tired clicking on the sun and nothin. Someone please help.
bro!!! the same thing was happening to my Macbook all i did was clear the Cache and Clear safari
just upgraded to lion and that white background was really obnoxious. cleared cash and its good now.
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