Need NT Help, What's the Best Mattress out there? Cool and Soft

Aug 10, 2004
Im out looking for a mattress but its tough, tried searching on google and everything,,
from your experience whats the best most comfortable mattress, that would be soft (body sinking, not firm) and cool(doesn't get too warm)

while im at it, what's the best thinnest softest pillow ya got? 
Things like this are really dependent on your own preferences. I would suggest that you go to your nearest mattress retailer and try out some models that you think would be good. Go as late as possible in the day, since that would be closer to the time that you'd be going to sleep.

I prefer memory foam the most. It contorts to my body and supports the natural curvature of my back (which is one of the most important things when it comes to a mattress, bar none.) You shouldn't get one that is too soft, as you'll sink into it and it won't offer the support that you need and will most likely prove to provide more discomfort in the long run in comparison to the short term comfort that you'll receive.

A mattress shouldn't be so soft that you sink into it. Then again, a mattress shouldn't be so firm that you can't comfortably lay in it. The best method to determine which mattress you get is trial and error. When you go to the store, don't be afraid to try out different positions. Lay on your back, your side, stomach, etc... just as you would do at home. And if you have a significant other, they should be there as well since you'll probably be sharing the bed with them.

When shopping, be sure to get a 30-day policy from the place so that if you really don't like it, you can return it with little to no cost for you.
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