Small HD CAMERAS? tryna sneak it into an event...


Nov 29, 2010
real life...

looking for something like the flip cams but

with a removable memory if thats possible

and battery too...

or if not the best bang for my buck...

can yall help me out?

(sneaking it in to EDC, not sure if cams are allowed...)
real life...

looking for something like the flip cams but

with a removable memory if thats possible

and battery too...

or if not the best bang for my buck...

can yall help me out?

(sneaking it in to EDC, not sure if cams are allowed...)
Check out the Go Pro series. My friend has one and the quality of the video is sharp; however, they are kind of pricey.
Check out the Go Pro series. My friend has one and the quality of the video is sharp; however, they are kind of pricey.
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