The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Islam vs Dustin on TONIGHT

Mir the the MMA equivalent to herpes

Just when you think he is no longer a problem, he flares up to remind you he is still around.
Good W for Mir, at this point hes on the legacy lap of his career...

would love to see him retire on top.

LOL @ that female-like left hook diffy threw that got him slept.

Ferguson real deal, been following him since he beat danny catillo in sac and told the crowd "I just want to thank you guys for booing me" after :lol: :pimp:

I believe he already lost to Michael Johnson????

Most the division is booked already, not sure if khabib has a fight yet?

Bobby Green would be coo when hes ready, probably makes the most sense.

JOUBAN!!!! Man i love the way this dood fights, people champ always looking to put on a show.

Everytime hes fought its been fireworks, hope we get to see him again before the years over!!!!

a fight with matt brown would be sickkkkkkk!!!!!!
Khabib will be back in October

Cowboy is set to fight RDA, but won't be back until December. I could see Cowboy fighting again before December despite what Dana wants

Benson Henderson (unsure what his plans are) and Eddie Alvarez are available 

Could be possibilities 

I'd prefer Cowboy to fight Khabib and Ferguson to get Benson or Alvarez 
Just read Benson plans to move to 170 for now and wants to fight in South Korea on Nov. 28

Maybe have Ferguson fight Barboza if Barboza wins on July 25th against Paul Felder

Either that or Eddie Alvarez
Felder was that pale dude that looked good a few months back right?
I have no idea tbh. He last KO'd Danny Castillo on the DC v Jones card

I'm watching the MMA Beat now, and Ariel, Luke Thomas and Mendenhal came up with the idea that they should do an all HW card. That's a great idea IMO and realistically I think the UFC might already be considering this because none of these guys are scheduled to fight. They all said Mir would get badly hurt if he faced the very top but a Rothwell match makes total sense

Werdum v AA

Stipe v Cain

JDS v Reem

Mir v Rothwell

Hunt v Browne (if he is cleared by his legal troubles) or Olynik

Tell me that aint LIT 

That would get so many PPV buys 
BTW, tomorrow we get Lima's and Page's return 

Daley is also on the card 

I'm all in for that Bellator card
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Felder was that pale dude that looked good a few months back right?
I have no idea tbh. He last KO'd Danny Castillo on the DC v Jones card

I'm watching the MMA Beat now, and Ariel, Luke Thomas and Mendenhal came up with the idea that they should do an all HW card. That's a great idea IMO and realistically I think the UFC might already be considering this because none of these guys are scheduled to fight. They all said Mir would get badly hurt if he faced the very top but a Rothwell match makes total sense

Werdum v AA
Stipe v Cain
JDS v Reem
Mir v Rothwell
Hunt v Browne (if he is cleared by his legal troubles) or Olynik

Tell me that aint LIT :pimp:

That would get so many PPV buys 

Yea, Felder won a bonus for that fight. He looked really good. Was the first fight I'd seen of his.

I'm not with the all HW card. All of my favorite fights/fighters tend to be in the lighter divisions.
No doubt, I'm the same way. I just think that card would be sweet

I loved the Strikeforce Grand Prix

I doubt they really do it anyway

I'm ready for all this MMA 
 Bellator tomorrow too with two of their best returning 
You're getting off topic. If you think mir is about to be the next lawler go for it. I hate to break it to you, but that ain't gonna happen. He would get demolished by any of the top of the division

He's a legend but his time has come and gone. This is reminding me of when some of you got mad when I kept saying penn was done

Not saying it's gonna happen with mir cuz I can't predict the future like u but we all called for fighters to retire lIke arlovski after getting knocked out several times. We would never have thought 3 years ago lawler would be the champ and beat the golden boy twice...easy to write ppl off when they're down.
Not saying it's gonna happen with mir cuz I can't predict the future like u but we all called for fighters to retire lIke arlovski after getting knocked out several times. We would never have thought 3 years ago lawler would be the champ and beat the golden boy twice...easy to write ppl off when they're down.
You're right about AA and Lawler. Although tbh, I don't know if AA has anything for Werdum, Cain or JDS either

In the case of Frank Mir I just don't see him beating any of the top guys from what we've seen-- beating Big Foot and Duffee. I actually believe he would be sent to the hospital by Cain, Werdum, JDS hell even Stipe. I'm not writing him off when he's down, he's actually on his way up again. I'm not saying he should retire. I fully believe he could beat a Ben Rothwell caliber HW, so why retire? 

I'm just saying I don't expect him to do much against the very best of the division. If other folks want to believe something different, I'm not going to argue your opinion
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That's not my opinion, as stated in my last post.

All I'm saying is its easy to write ppl off cuz u don't think they are capable of it but we all have been proven wrong by them many times. It's the very reason why I love mma cuz no matter how much we think we know we get humbled real quick

Just like ur writing mir off now against the elite ppl were writing off arlovski career lol
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So what are you arguing then? 

You always arguing for no reason man it's weird

Mir aint gonna do anything vs. the cream of the crop. AA wouldn't do anything vs Werdum or Cain probably not JDS either
So what are you arguing then? :lol:

You always arguing for no reason man it's weird

Mir aint gonna do anything vs. the cream of the crop. AA wouldn't do anything vs Werdum or Cain probably not JDS either

OK nostradamus, what numbers should I play on the powerballl
Never argued anything until u put words in my mouth and made up my opinion for me....time will tell if mir is the next to revive his career. I'm not sure if he has another run but I also never thought lawler and aa and the others had it in em.

Shiii I thought duffee was gonna starch mir and how wrong I was
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Never argued anything until u put words in my mouth and made up my opinion for me....time will tell if mir is the next to revive his career. I'm not sure if he has another run but I also never thought lawler and aa and the others had it in em.

Shiii I thought duffee was gonna starch mir and how wrong I was
Na, you argue every opinion I have trying to talk down to me on some "Nostrodamas give me the numbers to Powerball" corny bs. From the jump I said that Mir wouldn't do much while providing reasoning and you tried to argue that fact questioning why I would think that. I don't care what opinions you have I will respect it as long as you respect mine

Sports and message boards involves predictions, calling people out for doing that is not really called for

If you're going to throw a fit every time I make a prediction you might as well just not post in here
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Haha sure buddy delusional cat over me where I quoted u until u responded to a general statement I made...
I didn't see him beating duffee...not to mention if it's that easy to predict fights you should start betting
Duffee isn't like JDS, Cain, Werdum is he? Yes, I would bet money on those three if they fought Mir. That's easy money
There's ur first mistake on betting, playing the fighters not the lines
Here's where you started

Always tryin to start some corny bs for no reason

Then you came in with the Nostramdas Power Ball comment

Again, just stop posting in here if you can't take me making a prediction. I'm not taking personal shots at you when I make a prediction so quit acting like it
Bellator tonight should be an entertaining card 

Ready to see the hype on Michael Page, I guess the guy he's fighting is 16-13 though 
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