The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Islam vs Dustin on TONIGHT

He said he wanted to slap Aldo but the only thing that stopped him was he didn't want to pay a fine. Aldo would've took his soul right after and sent him back to Ireland in a box.

The woman in the red dress was looking good.
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Yall really take everything he says to heart 
 letting him Dustin Poirier yall
I think he's funny. He's also pretty smart. Is he competition for Aldo, probably not (but the UFC could do the same shenanigans boxing does).

I think part of the problem the UFC has is it sells the promotion and not the fighters enough. It would force some of these bums to speak up and promote themselves and the fights. Aldo will probably turn it up one level since he thinks Connor is a joke. It'll be interesting to see the promotion for their fight. It's not like they hate each other. Connor is the brash, up and coming contender. Aldo has been the king of the division for more than half a decade.
porier was doo doo. I know he was popular in this thread but I never became a fan of his.
Doo doo? OK. Sure, he didn't pan out to be a top contender but 8-3 in the UFC, only losses to Korean Zombie, Cub and Conor.. you being a little harsh
It was entertaining watching fs1 and cormier having to talk about jones in rehab and frankie about how someone else is getting the next title shot.
Siver looking like a soldier in WWII

true story :lol:

i gave cowboy the first round, and benson the last 2.

It all came down to that takedown.

As said it before, judges are scoring close fights differently now, seems more pride-like.

Im not mad at the decision, ben didn't loose any stock but damn did him slimey.

not really impressed with the conor fight, i mean its what we all expected....he looked great against subpar competition

LOL and him waiting for security to come before he stepped to aldo

got to see conors TD, looked good

conor did take more than a lucky few on the chin not sure thats going to hold 5 rounds with Aldo.

"conor mcgregor did exactly what he had to do tonight"

we watching boxing matches now.


poirier is solid, nothing great...the gap between him and the elite in the division is too far and wide, not closeable for the guy
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Yeah, tbh he took care of business. Siver was a step down from Poirer. Conor displayed more than boxing though, like you said, take down defense looked adequate and also his kicks are on point. The variety he has and the angles are very nice

The win tonight really proved nothing for me
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Aldo not flinchin for a sec, smiling while the clown acting like a jackass was 

Cerrone won that fight, don't care what anybody says, thigh punches and side push kicks to the thighs don't win u the fight
I had a feeling Aldo/McGregor would've been on the Memorial Day weekend card. They'll probably pair it with Lawler or Jones title fight.
I had a feeling Aldo/McGregor would've been on the Memorial Day weekend card. They'll probably pair it with Lawler or Jones title fight.
Nah, this is the UFC we're talking about. Why stack a card when you can do another event the following week.
As much as I like MMA, I thought they had a chance to surpass boxing. However, the more I think about it and observe, I don't think that will ever happen. If it wasn't because boxing doesn't really have any showcase boxers beside a handful, UFC would not be doing so great.

I don't mind the weight classes now, however, I wish they still did a tournament style join all in one day. 

have fights here and there to see who will make the tourney then at the end of the year just have a tourney. You fight 3 or 4 times that night. 
As far as visibility goes MMA has surpassed boxing.

Money wise? Not even close.
i don't know anyone personally who watches Boxing anymore. I am surprised it is still so successful. it just seems like a joke these days.
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