Love stories in recent memory that I hated

Lois and Clark in MOS. I thought the two had no chemistry on screen whatever.

Banner and Widow in AoU is another one.

I gotta say Fiske and that chick was kinda cute together at times but they didn't need to make him the biggest simp alive LOL

Can't believe someone brought up the dwarf and elf in the hobbit. I thought they needed more of that in the trilogy, tbh
The better love story in DD was matt's law partner and that big boobed, blonde lawyer that liked and hated each other.
Not even the worst in the MCU


Came out of nowhere and was **** but not as **** as Fisk and Vanessa

The better love story in DD was matt's law partner and that big boobed, blonde lawyer that liked and hated each other.


16 hours? I thought this show took place over a few months. Not a weekend


But over the few months the show takes place they didnt spend enough time together for him to be head over heels.

Lets say she is in love with him. Then why would she be in love? She aint a fat, socially awkward, beta provider. Other option is she is using him for the status/loot. But then a guy with his wealth should know what these **** are after.

Either way I was unconvinced.
Women are attracted to powerful wealthy men. Women are also attracted to men they think they can take care of in a way that their power and money can't fix.

The show wasn't about Kingpin's love life so of course they weren't gonna dedicate eps to their romance continuing.

Love stories in recent memory that I hated

Lois and Clark in MOS. I thought the two had no chemistry on screen whatever.
That was a love story? :lol:

I gotta watch that again. I don't remember anything like that. I think they kissed near the end though. That's it.

You better show respect to queen rosario when you mention her.

Like I'm going to take advice on manners from a communist :rofl:

Uh oh. Looks like there's conflict brewing on the team cap side.
No surprise. There leader has no ideological game plan.
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"attracted to men with wealth and power" = using him for the loot. No two ways bout it. Thats just splitting hairs. And he should know what these **** are out for. Especially a ***** who aint even young :x

How ****** can give these "I now know what I want" ******* time of day is beyond me.
OK, ok, so there wasn't much of a love story in MOS. All the more reason why they should've have kissed at the end. And the cast pairing was still all wrong. The chemistry was nada. :lol:
"attracted to men with wealth and power" = using him for the loot. No two ways bout it. Thats just splitting hairs. And he should know what these **** are out for. Especially a ***** who aint even young :x

How ****** can give these "I now know what I want" ******* time of day is beyond me.
There's the attraction that got her interested and then it was the getting to know him that made her fall in love.

Not at any point is it shown that Vanessa uses Fisk for his money.

Plus the way you're reading only what you want and replying to that is funny in this case. You asked a dumb question like why would she be in love (you can ask that for anybody that says they are) :lol: I talk about how it got to that point and you want to ignore it.

I think you're letting your poor view on women affect the storytelling on the show.

:lol: yall in here arguing over how a love story should be with blotters?

I'll take that L.

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Where are you getting 16 hours from they interacted with each other at various points throughout the season
Where are you getting 16 hours from they interacted with each other at various points throughout the season

I already explained it was sarcasm when asked about that same comment a few pages back.

Point being whatever amount of time they spent together in the few months this show took place over isnt enough.
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