Who remembers it's the shoes (ESPN) ???

Sep 13, 2014
This use to be my show ..I use come home from school and watch it . I remember the days before hype beast before the wristband when you could just wake up 2pm Saturday and go get your JAYS damn them were the good ol days

This episode was classic first time I knew who gentry was :D[emoji]128076[/emoji]8)8)
I used to be obsessed with catching episodes of this show back in the day. Bobbito :smokin
Bro you see the DMP PACK omg I almost died then the jacket CLASSIC TO MATCH CLASSIC [emoji]128525[/emoji]
Was a GREAT show! I still have some of the episdoes saved on a hard drive some where.. not the greatest video quality, but still fun to watch every now and again.. 8)
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