Recent content by bradon

  1. bradon

    New Vehicle

    Good to know
  2. bradon

    New Vehicle

    That is the plan. The jeep is getting old and run down. Haven't had to repair much but they don't last forever so I see lots of money going into repairs in the near future. Or I could use that money (that would be going into repairs) into a payment and drive around something new. Leasing over...
  3. bradon

    New Vehicle

    Not everything is covered on a lease
  4. bradon

    New Vehicle

    The only reason the Mercedes and BMW aren't in my top two are maintenence and repair costs are outrageous.
  5. bradon

    New Vehicle

    I was thinking black, but that is one sexy car.
  6. bradon

    New Vehicle

    I just need room for one or two people and we wont be in the vehicle for long periods of time.
  7. bradon

    New Vehicle

    Ill check them out, thanks! No more SUV. I love my jeep but I will be doing a lot of driving so fuel economy will factor in.
  8. bradon

    New Vehicle

    I will have to drive clients around. Bus pass wont cut it.
  9. bradon

    New Vehicle

    Thanks for your input, very helpful!
  10. bradon

    New Vehicle

    Hey, I know there is at least one thread about getting a new vehicle but they're usually about fairly cheap cars and my situations is a bit different. Im looking to trade in my 2007 Jeep Wrangler (paid off) and get some sort of luxury vehicle. I am thinking I would lease it and want to keep my...
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