Recent content by chr1sb

  1. chr1sb

    Incoming Freshman in a relationship headed off to college?

    relationships suck. yes, i'm mad.
  2. chr1sb

    Not Guilty, Y'all got to feel me.

    eNPHAN we get your point. but no matter what, dude died. there's pity for him cause it was an accident, not like dude was trying to die. he made a bad choice going thru the yellow and consequently lost his life. congrats to OP for getting out of it but i feel you on those several months of...
  3. chr1sb

    Caught my 14 y/o female cousins I tell?

    depends on her life situation. doing well in school? got her head on straight? judge it for yourself, if she's doing okay, then no don't snitch. everyone tries it
  4. chr1sb

    These Cops Are Soft

    this makes no sense. cops shoulda took him down so long ago.
  5. chr1sb

    Being made fun of for something you can't help, UNAPPRECIATION

    it does suck to be short. luckily i was over the average asian height
  6. chr1sb

    Funny People Appreciation *maybe some spoilers*

    i wouldnt recommend it, way too long was funny but fell off. wait for dvd.
  7. chr1sb


    just let him do this thing. when his relationship ends he'll come back to you
  8. chr1sb

    Niketalk I have done the unthinkable

    you guys are going hard on this kid Most colleges dont really care about your freshman year. if you're able to keep up your sophomore/junior grades you should be okay. but as far as actuallyfailing a class.. i'm not too sure.
  9. chr1sb

    You Cali dudes are weird.....

    all this hate haha there's always going to be trends that people find stupid. personally, i think jerkin is just a fun dance. it's a simple dance that's just funny. ain't nothin serious.
  10. chr1sb


    I play it everyday. stuff is addicting. plenty of heroes would overtake troll though
  11. chr1sb

    Hiding your grades from your parents. Smart idea? vol. I got a D and F

    i'm in the same predicament. i've never gotten a D in my life until this year kinda scared but i'm enrolling at a college to make up the credits so hopefully parents won't flip about it when i tell them i'm already signed upat a college to make up for it.
  12. chr1sb


    feelin the black one
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