Recent content by crainsxx

  1. crainsxx

    So seriously....How eff'n high were The Beatles?

    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds... L(ucy).S(ky).D(iamonds)... LSD. That seems to sum it up.
  2. crainsxx

    The Temptations Movie Appreciation vol. Vh1

    I've never seen the entire movie but what i've seen has been very good.
  3. crainsxx

    Go nuts with these! Jumpman Pros!

    I's with V sole....very sloppy If anyone is giving away shoes ez-inbox me or e-mail me at
  4. crainsxx

    Go nuts with these! Jumpman Pros!

    6.5......kinda If anyone is giving away shoes ez-inbox me or e-mail me at
  5. crainsxx

    Go nuts with these! Jumpman Pros!

    XVII's with XVIII wing and lace holder If anyone is giving away shoes ez-inbox me or e-mail me at
  6. crainsxx

    Go nuts with these! Jumpman Pros!

    A mix of V's and VII's.....kinda sloppy though the 3.5 If anyone is giving away shoes ez-inbox me or e-mail me at
  7. crainsxx

    Go nuts with these! Jumpman Pros!

    these didn't work too well If anyone is giving away shoes ez-inbox me or e-mail me at
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