Recent content by iwakunisneakers

  1. iwakunisneakers

    LC Taxi 12 1996 OG

    thanks man really helpful so the off stitching is normal for OG's?
  2. iwakunisneakers

    LC Taxi 12 1996 OG in these many people are saying they were made in both hahha sorry if im being persistant i just wanna make sure
  3. iwakunisneakers

    LC Taxi 12 1996 OG

    they had factories in both china and vietnam  the code for the factory matches up. the tag checks out but the stiching on the side was dodgy but i heard thats a thing with og's
  4. iwakunisneakers

    LC Taxi 12 1996 OG

    Quality thick  leather, the gold lace things are actual metal. tough build shoes  all glue and dirt is from my restoration. wanted to find out if its worth fixing them up any further  i can take additional information or picture if necessary.  please help!!!
  5. iwakunisneakers

    LC Taxi 12 1996 OG

    anyone help?
  6. iwakunisneakers

    LC Taxi 12 1996 OG

    Quality thick  leather, the gold lace things are actual metal  all glue and dirt is from my restoration. wanted to find out if its worth fixing them up any further  i can take additional information or picture if necessary.  please help!!!
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