Recent content by kevduzit

  1. kevduzit

    Jordan 11 holiday release 2015?

    No I swear that's what I've been hearing. 09 was the space jams, 10 cool greys, 11 concords, 12 breds, 13 gammas, and 14 legend blues. There aren't anymore high top 11s to drop, unless he creates more like he did the gammas. @KMante
  2. kevduzit

    2015 Jordan 11's??

    Is it true Jordan won't be releasing any 11's as a holiday release anymore after the Legend blue 11's this Christmas?
  3. kevduzit

    Jordan 11 holiday release 2015?

    Is it true that JB isn't going to release the 11's as a Christmas release in 2015? I know they started doing it back in '09 with the space jams (which I missed out on) and followed up with the cool greys concords breds and gammas, but I'm just curious to know if this is true or not.
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