Recent content by klcarpio

  1. klcarpio

    Chuy Gomez fired from KMEL

    He may be old as **** but ****, the morning show ain't gonna be the same.  I grew up listening to this guy and now he's been let go.  He will be a legend in my book
  2. klcarpio


    What law school are you in?
  3. klcarpio


    There's hella good places in Sac, you just gotta find em.  Anyone down to do a meet up forreal though? I didn't know many NTer's are from Sac.
  4. klcarpio


    We should organize a meetup for those who go to Sac State. What do ya'll think?! 
  5. klcarpio


    Oh fasho. I know a few people from the 209 but I'm young so yeah, nvm.
  6. klcarpio


    I personally cop used shoes all the time. But I usually go through of process before wearing them, especially if they're pretty worn.  I usually clean it up pretty nice and spray Lysol since its like a disinfectant/deodorizer.  I definitely prefer DS shoes but like you said, its hard to find a...
  7. klcarpio


    I've been here since freshman year. I'm a Criminal Justice major haha. What high school you go to?
  8. klcarpio


    Ayyeee. I'm a junior at sac state too bruh.
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