Recent content by lana285

  1. lana285


    Interesting thread....seems like love is in the air.
  2. lana285

    Richest 17 year old on instagram

    These kids are ridiculous. Smh
  3. lana285

    Ill just leave this here

    Classic line.
  4. lana285

    cheapest things uve seen others do

    From my experience I've noticed that the ones who make the most money are the cheapest. My cousin never orders food when we go out to eat. He eats off of everyone's plate and doesn't think he shouldn't order his own plate because the girls never finish their food anyway.Mind you he never offers...
  5. lana285

    60 of the world’s happiest facts.

    Love to read stuff like this. Great thread!
  6. lana285

    the thread about nothing...

    Lolol.... Thanks for the heads up.
  7. lana285

    the thread about nothing...

    Had two dreams this week that I was pregnant. Smh impossible
  8. lana285

    Would you say most men cheat on their wives?

    I believe most men do especially married men.
  9. lana285

    The "Chris Brown/Rihanna" episode of Law & Order: SVU...

    Wouldn't be surprised if Rihanna ended up the same way the girl did on the show.
  10. lana285

    How would you feel if? Vol: Daughter.....

    With the best of my ability I will try to be the best role model for my children and raise them the right way, but you still never know. You cant be too strict either because they'll eventually do things behind your back. By the looks of it things are only getting worse. When I was a kid I was...
  11. lana285

    So who's keeping up with Snooki's IG? Vol. Obama Not Bad gif

    She lost a lot of weight. I think she looks a lot better she just needs a stylist. The girl cant dress for sh*t.
  12. lana285

    This Dad right right here deserves a Noble peace prize. VOL Facebook daughter exposure to da max

    He probably beat her *** before he made this video. lol  People abuse social networking.
  13. lana285


    Some people are nuts!!
  14. lana285

    Your Next Vacation Destination.....?

    Going to Aruba in April. Im hoping to go to Paris next year God willing..Just gotta find someone to go with. lol
  15. lana285

    12am Valentines day and I kicked her out..GOODBYE on PG10

    Do what you have to do for you. There are a lot of people who are in relationships just because of the kid and that's not healthy. Take care of yourself and your son. You did the right thing. Most of the time people cheat with losers anyway. Itll be tough in the beginning but you'll be fine...
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