Recent content by munnamontolie

  1. munnamontolie


    Nice fits everybody! I always get crazy looks when I wear these bright things lol.
  2. munnamontolie

    Help with filing a Nike claim

    My boy who owned a mom and popstore gave me Nike's number and told me that if I ever have a complaint about a sneakers quality that you just recently bought or something, you call them and if you're lucky enough they give u store credit, coupons, and such. I never really got around doing it, but...
  3. munnamontolie

    What is your view on money?

    Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
  4. munnamontolie

    THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

    Such an amazing movie. Simply Amazing. All the action. The explaining of all the stories at the end. Everyone put in an awesome performance. And for people that want an explanation for every single thing down to the tee, you guys have to just enjoy the movie for what it is and the history...
  5. munnamontolie

    Where my post count go?

    lol lost my entire account not stressing it because i usually lurk. only had like 150 posts anyways :lol  
  6. munnamontolie

    Growing out hair Vol. Dat Lusciousness

    I grew out my hair for two years before cutting it. tbh, you don't need to go the stylist and spend all that money. if you want to keep growing it just keep getting shapes up every 2 weeks. thats what i did and yeah, i know what you mean by the "middle stage" lol, but after that it looks ill...
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