Recent content by nbreezy44

  1. nbreezy44

    Air Max Posite Bakin Boot an annual release? EDIT: Blacks re-released!!!

    I'm from GA, whats the DMV? the only place I know of, is the DMV where you get your liscence at lol
  2. nbreezy44

    Air Max Posite Bakin Boot an annual release? EDIT: Blacks re-released!!!

    Preciate it the feedback. If thats the case, I will be highly pissed, but those flyposites aren't that bad looking to me though, Its a futuristic look, but I will not pay that much for a boot unless its designer or the NIKE AIR MAX POSITE BAKIN BOOT!!!!!!!!!
  3. nbreezy44

    Air Max Posite Bakin Boot an annual release? EDIT: Blacks re-released!!!

    Please notify everyone if you find out when Nike is releasing these!!!!!! This is the only boot I wanna rock this winter....they go so hard!!!!
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