Recent content by vladimirpula

  1. vladimirpula

    OFFICIAL NIKE A I R M A X ZER0 THREAD ** The One Before The 1 **

    Attempt no.2 result: Really really like them this time!! I went for a much safer combo (no fluorescent colors) and white soil which works quite well here..
  2. vladimirpula

    OFFICIAL NIKE A I R M A X ZER0 THREAD ** The One Before The 1 **

    yeah exactly they are just 2 pinkish...  i like how the violet looks like in reality on your 2.0 version... i was experimenting with it but was afraid if it would turn a bad idea like the orange.. 
  3. vladimirpula

    OFFICIAL NIKE A I R M A X ZER0 THREAD ** The One Before The 1 **

    Friday I got my pair ... they are perfect in every way except the fact the orange looks much more "neon" "fluorescent" then on the site... so I am sending them back and starting over... aaaaargh I made like 30x designs .. I the end I ordered the 1st I made.. and it didnt end well..
  4. vladimirpula

    OFFICIAL NIKE A I R M A X ZER0 THREAD ** The One Before The 1 **

    wow.. i like these.. the blue in the base is "soar" ?? looks much different then on nike site.. much butter actually.. thought it was much more extreme.. 
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