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  1. jbclem

    Just having a Lamborghini= Easy Pickup

    These two cats from OCKTV copied off Vitaly's Lambo prank idea. And had one girl break up with her BF, LOL. Real or not?
  2. jbclem

    Mainstream Rap is really wack now.

    Agree or Disagree with me?
  3. jbclem

    Educating Ya'll about Black people in Latin America

    Outside of like NYC and Miami. Most of us don't even know there are Black people in Latin America outside of those Dominican Baseball players, Lol. Imma educate ya'll about the African diaspora in Latin America with my dusty Obama shirt:) There's even Black people in Mexico.
  4. jbclem

    Jaguars or Buccaneers: Which Team is more likely to have thier first win?

    The way these two teams are playing. They could end up like the 08 Lions.
  5. jbclem

    Check out the NYC Zombie Prank

    It's like Vitaly's Miami Zombie Prank but funnier.
  6. jbclem

    A Video about the #1 Thing people hate/ dislike about LA

    Traffic was a common answer. And some guy answered Pancakes  Whats the number one thing you dislike about LA.
  7. jbclem

    Colin Kaepernick or Alex Smith: Who would you rather have as QB on your team

    Kap will be more dangerous if he improves his accuracy, but Alex Smith doesn't make that many mistakes. So, which QB would you rather have?
  8. jbclem

    Twitter Panic about the EBT Shutdown

    I captured some Tweets about the EBT Shutdown in this video. Luckily this shutdown only lasted a day. Because if it was longer. There would be riots across the country.
  9. jbclem

    Steven Jo's new single "Trap Goin Crazy" with Cali Blunts

    Dude should stick to comedy. He's like a mix of Chief Keef and Lil Wayne.
  10. jbclem

    Vitaly vs Steven Jo: Who is funnier

    Vitaly started off as a Steven Jo Biter. But Vitaly IMO has surpassed Steven Jo in hilarity. His new "Naked  Prank" video is a trip. Steven Jo's rap videos are coming off as generic, I miss Mr Caca
  11. jbclem

    The Public School system in California is garbage

    I guess Mexico starts with a U now
  12. jbclem

    (Spoilers) Any of ya'll seen Iron Man 3 yet?

    It was a dissapointment and felt like a rip off of my 13 dollars.
  13. jbclem

    Difference Between New York and Los Angeles in Fashian

    Having just been to NYC a few weeks ago. There's a big difference in fashion. It seems NYC folks like to wear Timberlands Heavy Coats(Colder Weather Uggs Baggier Jeans are still not out of style While in LA its more like Skinny Jeans Vans Chucks Sweatshirts Has anyone else noticed the...
  14. jbclem

    The reason why people don't ride on the bus in LA

    It's because of Crazy **** like this. A woman threatened a bus driver, and some White guy tried to put her on Citizens Arrest.
  15. jbclem

    How Much Money Youtubers make

    These dudes get paid good.
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