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  1. faded8119

    LEGIT Check of KZIV Purple Haze

    Hello sorry if this is not the correct forum to ask this, but hopefully someone can reassure me. I bought these purple hazes PE's. They are not my size(its a 12.5 and im a 9.5) i just wanna make sure that its legit. I believe its legit, but im no expert so i just wanna make sure. Thanks...
  2. faded8119


    Another request from sneakerjunkie. I went with a regular standing version. I couldn't come up with a new and interesting pose to showcase the shoes sopardon the regularity. I thought about coloring as requested, but as with most of my work (sketch heavy) its tough to clean it up in illustrator...
  3. faded8119

    HULK with SB's

    As requested by sneakerjunkie, Hulk with some SB's. I experimented with him wearing the shoes, but I thought this one was bit more interesting and a bitfunnier hehehe. I call this the "NO WAN TACHES MAI SHU!!" piece. Hope you guys like it.
  4. faded8119

    Tech DUNKS

    Just got bored at work today (since its a friday). Tell me what you guys think.
  5. faded8119

    DRAGON MAN wearing KBIV's

    Some of you might have seen it already on another one of my posts but my cuz told me to create a different thread for it. Hope you guys like it (finally fixedit!!!)
  6. faded8119

    RED SKULL with KBZIV breds and another Venom

    Just monkeyed around at work again today did these 2. I just put the red skull with the breds coz im thinking of doing cap america with the philly's. Cant see the shoe much here, wish i could color it, itll makethe shoe pop out more but i suck at that so im leaving it as is lol
  7. faded8119


    Just wanted to share, something I did with straight up blue ballpoint pen and marker.
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