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  1. the reup kid

    Hypothetical Question: Who could seriously destroy the Hulk?

    I got this from another site. I say...... Can easily do the Hulk in. In fact he fought Oden (Thor's father) to a stalemate. And now that he has the Heart of the universe his power rivals the Tribunal's. Not to mention, Thanos was granted immortality after Death banned him from being dead...
  2. the reup kid

    Why do some NT'ers try to put on a front?

    And y'all know who I'm talkin about. I'm not gonna name name's, but take a certain "trapstar" if you will, knowin damn well heain't never been in no trap. But like seriously, dudes need to stop that, that s' is not cool. People need to stop trying to put on this fake tuff guy e-persona, knowin...
  3. the reup kid

    NT:Name That Sample Vol.1

    I'm bored at work. I'll post a song, and you have to name the song it was sampled in and person who sampled it, then post your own.
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