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  1. kingsteez

    Real life Demogorgon

    NT, The boy Sam Poss went missing on Saturday which made Houston County start conducting large searches for him. People were sharing it all over my TL and it was the 5 PM news every night...
  2. kingsteez

    Need advice/opinions on student loans!

    NT, I start classes on May 17th. Currently paying all bills, child support and working OT on airplanes on an Air Force base. I'm on academic probation for withdrawing 2 years ago. I can't go through the school to get a direct loan and I can't pay for school out of pocket like I want to...
  3. kingsteez

    Life as I know It..

    I honestly couldnt find the crazy gf thread and i just needed to write this down as fast as possible. I write this letter as a testament to not only myself but to anyone else out there who is battling depression. Depression is the state of unhappiness. There is no happiness in your life at the...
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