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  1. tepg221

    Fruit Flys FTMFL +!%

    i work in a little cafe and we had a pretty big problem with them, all you have to do is get a deep plastic cup, put some sliced melon in there, cover it with saran wrap and poke tiny holes here and there, they get stuck and it works like a charm.
  2. tepg221

    this is what the nba stars been doing this summer

    oh yeah thats right, my grandma grew up with the wife of the san miguel and the wife of the araneta owner my bad ahah, and we have family dinners with both families, so stop that smh business, oh yeah and i can get free front rows seats anytime i want, i got pics of that too , 
  3. tepg221

    this is what the nba stars been doing this summer

    my grandmas bestfriend owns that arena and three of the pba teams, i just visited and when i got back my cousins told me they just had dinner with drose and kobe. fml . photo
  4. tepg221

    If you could change the outcome of one play in sports history...

    not exactly a play but, i wish we all got to see len bias play
  5. tepg221

    If you could change the outcome of one play in sports history...

    not exactly a play but, i wish we all got to see len bias play
  6. tepg221

    It's Too Hot Mann!

    im getting rain here near sf 
  7. tepg221

    It's Too Hot Mann!

    im getting rain here near sf 
  8. tepg221

    anyone else eat cereal in a cup?

    i just tried eating with a bowl on my bed which is hard as $%^*$, i always eat with a cup which you can hold with one hand, how you gonna say its not more portable?
  9. tepg221

    anyone else eat cereal in a cup?

    i just tried eating with a bowl on my bed which is hard as $%^*$, i always eat with a cup which you can hold with one hand, how you gonna say its not more portable?
  10. tepg221

    anyone else eat cereal in a cup?

    haha that means youre putting to much in..
  11. tepg221

    anyone else eat cereal in a cup?

    haha that means youre putting to much in..
  12. tepg221

    anyone else eat cereal in a cup?

    ive been doing it since i was a kid, so much more portable and once youre done you have a glass of milk, am i the only one?
  13. tepg221

    anyone else eat cereal in a cup?

    ive been doing it since i was a kid, so much more portable and once youre done you have a glass of milk, am i the only one?
  14. tepg221

    gaming heads, portal 2 out today

    just came out here... Wheatley seems mad funny from the videos ive seen
  15. tepg221

    gaming heads, portal 2 out today

    just came out here... Wheatley seems mad funny from the videos ive seen
  16. tepg221

    gaming heads, portal 2 out today

    who's copping? can't wait to play co-op 
  17. tepg221

    gaming heads, portal 2 out today

    who's copping? can't wait to play co-op 
  18. tepg221

    Just in case you're wondering what Kanye is wearing

    i thought it looked pretty dope. it was pretty good besides when he tried to over do the singing
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