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  1. hella stacks

    Last year I was dying to attend university

    Good stuff and also what AirPhilippines said, put in the work that you didn't do before. It's easier to transfer out of a CC to a nice college than going straight from HS
  2. hella stacks

    Mac Miller: Yes or no?

    Lol Mac Miller? He's garbage
  3. hella stacks

    Steve Jobs Died...

  4. hella stacks

    Moving out on my own for the first time Apreciation post Vol. FeelsGoodMan

    Keep stacking my SN and you'll be good. Congrats
  5. hella stacks

    Your favorite rapper sucks.

  6. hella stacks

    Your favorite rapper sucks.

  7. hella stacks

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    This. I just finished round 1 and I'm not that "ripped" but I'm in the best shape of my life. I just started round 2 today where I look on getting to the ripped stage that they speak of but honestly doing P90X has been one of the best decisions I've ever made
  8. hella stacks

    Females with no father figure= disaster

    Dated a girl a couple months ago with not just father issues, but family issues and I can tell you that was no walk in the park
  9. hella stacks

    Females with no father figure= disaster

    Dated a girl a couple months ago with not just father issues, but family issues and I can tell you that was no walk in the park
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