Search results

  1. screech5511

    X-box 360/PS3... which one do you recommend and where are the best deals?

    I am considering purchasing a new gaming system- either an Xbox 360 or a PS3, but being out of the gaming world for so long I am not sure which is better- in terms of games offered, quality, future options, etc. Which one would you recommend and why? Also, where would you recommend to look in...
  2. screech5511

    Questions regarding Adderrall, for those in/done with college

    I've done some research, but I would like to hear the opinions and thoughts of those who have used Adderrall to study/stay awake in college. What are yourthoughts, suggestions, stories about you/ or others that you know. How much (how often) is too much? Is it really that unhealthy? What are the...
  3. screech5511

    What's the rarest Lebron PE out there?

    What's the rarest Lebron PE out there? Don't know if this is the right forum so if its not move it please. Thanks.
  4. screech5511

    Who do you think are the top collectors of this board?

    Who do you think are the top collectors of this board, don't have to be numbered or in order or anything like that.
  5. screech5511

    Can I please have a pic of MJ wearing original Maroon VI's please, thank you.

    pic of him wearing og maroon 6s in a game, thanks a lot
  6. screech5511

    Can I please have a pic of MJ wearing original Maroon VI's please, thank you.

    pic of him wearing og maroon 6s in a game, thanks a lot
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