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  1. intoxicated.jjb

    The Feeling After You.... Vol. FeelsBadMan

    1. @ 26 yrs old I'll take the "very young" comment 2. I have sex with people I WANT to have sex with. I don't have sex w people I'm not attracted to just to bash on them later.  3. What a generic response. Btw it's you're not your. I thought everyone knew that.
  2. intoxicated.jjb

    The Feeling After You.... Vol. FeelsBadMan

    If these chicks are so unacceptable physically... why smash? Why would you play yourself like that? I assume by your responses and the other thread about below average chicks that you guys are all unbelievably good looking. Otherwise, who are you kidding?
  3. intoxicated.jjb

    He's coked out ...

    Pull your pants up fool! This dude is clearly high.
  4. intoxicated.jjb

    He's coked out ...

    Pull your pants up fool! This dude is clearly high.
  5. intoxicated.jjb

    Epiphanies You Have Had While .....

    A lot of people feel they have a path to follow or a certain destiny but there is a thing called free will where you're not forced to follow it. It's really up to you and the choices you make really have the biggest impact on where your life will lead.
  6. intoxicated.jjb

    Epiphanies You Have Had While .....

    A lot of people feel they have a path to follow or a certain destiny but there is a thing called free will where you're not forced to follow it. It's really up to you and the choices you make really have the biggest impact on where your life will lead.
  7. intoxicated.jjb

    So... a teacher at my old high school got caught with a student...

    This happened at my elementary school I think it was 5th grade. Idk if other schools did this but there were class parties at times so the classes swapped kids depending on the student. Since I was always late with work I always had to go across the hall to the class w the other slackers lol...
  8. intoxicated.jjb

    So... a teacher at my old high school got caught with a student...

    This happened at my elementary school I think it was 5th grade. Idk if other schools did this but there were class parties at times so the classes swapped kids depending on the student. Since I was always late with work I always had to go across the hall to the class w the other slackers lol...
  9. intoxicated.jjb

    Keenan Cahill

    On top of that this dude has had a bunch of surgeries. His life isnt as normal as other peoples because of his problems. Let him win with this one.
  10. intoxicated.jjb

    Keenan Cahill

    On top of that this dude has had a bunch of surgeries. His life isnt as normal as other peoples because of his problems. Let him win with this one.
  11. intoxicated.jjb

    Do yall Miss High School or Middle School?

    I dont miss high school really. I miss how easy the work was compared to real life problems.
  12. intoxicated.jjb

    Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010

    Miss Lima!
  13. intoxicated.jjb

    Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010

    Miss Lima!
  14. intoxicated.jjb

    Elevator Experiment (Video) Vol. Following The Crowd

    LOL that last guy was at their command. If that happened to me I'd just be like, "Is this a double door elevator or somethin?" The first time I been in the double door elevators I didnt even know it was a double door so when it opened behind me and someone stepped in I got startled lol.
  15. intoxicated.jjb

    Elevator Experiment (Video) Vol. Following The Crowd

    LOL that last guy was at their command. If that happened to me I'd just be like, "Is this a double door elevator or somethin?" The first time I been in the double door elevators I didnt even know it was a double door so when it opened behind me and someone stepped in I got startled lol.
  16. intoxicated.jjb

    Egg Nog Season Appreciation

    Egg nog is DELICIOUS. I had egg nog milkshakes before & I've never tasted something so great in my life.
  17. intoxicated.jjb

    Rapper Wiz Khalifa arrested with 60 grams of MARIJUANA.. * MUGSHOT*

    Eff the comb give him a new face. One that doesn't look like the inside of his brain is missing.
  18. intoxicated.jjb

    Rapper Wiz Khalifa arrested with 60 grams of MARIJUANA.. * MUGSHOT*

    Eff the comb give him a new face. One that doesn't look like the inside of his brain is missing.
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