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  1. rioinc

    Which taste better overall- Popeyes or KFC?

  2. rioinc

    Gay dudes tryin to get at you on mysape unappreciation

    atleast he didnt hit you with that "can i borrow you? i'll give you back i promise"
  3. rioinc

    Who has experience bagging married women?

    i learned my lesson...never again.
  4. rioinc

    Belly (the film) Appreciation

    taral hicks and baby oil...appreciated
  5. rioinc

    Dark Knight or Transformers 2?

    gonna have to go with dark knight on this one
  6. rioinc

    Happy Birthday Mike Tyson

    still my favorite boxer..hbd
  7. rioinc

    Why do cats in the hood think COOGI is that !%@*?

    who cares what other dudes are rockin...just do you.
  8. rioinc

    The Official iPod Post - *Please read the first post.*

  9. rioinc

    The Official iPod Post - *Please read the first post.*

    My wife and I both have brand new 30 gb ipod videos..will we be able to use both ipods off of one computer? her brother told us that we would only be able to use 1 ipod..not sure if he just messing with us or if it's true..this is our first we're pretty clueless to all of this..any...
  10. rioinc

    The Official iPod Post - *Please read the first post.*

    okay i bought my wife a 30 gb video for christmas and she also got a 4 gb nano from her mom. she told me i could have the nano, would you guys return the nano and pay the difference for another 30 gig video? RIOINC@GMAIL.COM
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