52 Week Money Challenge ... week 26 of 52. halfway there...

For people who can't responsibly save money on their own :lol:

Pretty sure that would be the majority of users on this board given the demographic.

I grew up poor, mom dukes did what she could with what she had; literally wasn't nothing left over to save. When I hit my first job in high school I went wild spending to compensate for what I didn't have.

What I do is take 3% and have it direct deposited to a savings that's absolutely off limits. For my other savings, I try to match my frivolous purchases. If I spend $60 on kicks, I need to deposit the same amount. This also helps me avoid impulse buying just cause I got extra con to part with.

I like the idea of the challenge but I think it's more beneficial to chart/record every purchase for a few weeks. You'd be surprised at how much you blow on bs that you didn't need.
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This really isn't that hard. I've deposited $25 every week for the past couple years and use that to travel somewhere after a year.
Will try
if youre transferring from checking to savings, which i was going to do, you have a limit of number of transfers you can do per month before getting charged
at least w/ bofa
I'm in for the challenge. Although I already have a steady saving system, doesn't hurt to add more.

Same here, although that December credit card bill's coming in real soon...plus I'm looking at a new tv for the end of this month...plus a bachelor party/wedding/honeymoon to pay for this year...

And I'm STILL down for this challenge. In. Should be fun.
if youre transferring from checking to savings, which i was going to do, you have a limit of number of transfers you can do per month before getting charged
at least w/ bofa

Just hit my DAMN limit!!

Wells Fargo limits you to like 6 transfers from Savings to Checking ever period. I get past it by going to a branch and using an their ATM. Maybe BOA is the same way.
Ill Put in $10 today to cover week 1-4 but then I know prolly by week 5 when i have to make another deposit ill forget all about this :lol:
I'm actually going to try this but just double it... no humble brag intended
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