7 Reasons not to move in with a female. College humor article.

Originally Posted by rocman23

im more than likely moving in with my girl after graduation, hope this isnt true

it's really not as bad as people make it seem. In fact the one's that make it seem bad usually are the immature ones that aren't ready for a serious relationship anyway.

Some of the things I find false about that article are the sex, the hair, and television.

First off when we first moved in together we had plenty of sex and still do. I think the amount of sex you have really depends on the type of relationship you have. If you two aren't very sexual now than moving in together won't change that. But if you are hyper sexual than it will remain that way and may be even better cuz since you live together you can do it pretty much whenever and never have to go drop her off at home.

As far as the hair thing goes if your girl is leaving the bathroom dirty like that than she's nasty. My girl is a neat freak so she never likes to leave the bathroom dirty or anything dirty for that matter. And I think that is the way that girls should be. I mean I can't imagine being with a messy girl.

Lastly, you will get to watch the shows you will want to watch because if you are moving in together than you must have common interests so most of the time you will be able to share a television show together. On the occasion that you don't share a common interest in t.v. show than you should both be mature enough to compromise. More importantly you should have more than one t.v. in the house and also plenty of away time from each other to do the things you want to do.
Damn, I'm about to move in with a female friend next semester...

I hope she's chill

One day my girl and I were talking about farts lol and I have never let one go in front of a girl but I dropped some thunder one night in bed just to break the tension on her having to hold it in haha and she just laughed and came back with a quiet one under the covers and let me know. She was like its gunna stink so naturally i was curious and lifted up the blanket and instantly
   Its just not right when a girl that fine lets one go like that.
Originally Posted by solelistikn1ke1ne

"You may as well join the US Olympic Swim Team because you’ll only be getting your penis wet about once every four years. "



Originally Posted by derventa

TIP: In the event that surrendering doesn’t work and she continues being malicious, buy a Kit Kat Bar, throw it in her face and tell her to give you a goddamn break. 

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funny...but seriously this stuff only happens if you let it...
Originally Posted by derventa

7.) More arguments. Seriously, you will spend a good portion of your co-habitation experience squabbling. Do your best to deny her access to Beyonce’s music. All it takes is some strong feminist lyrics to sway her into making irrational decisions. Before going to work you argue about who drank 
the last of the juice. But, when you come home you’ll find everything you own piled sloppily in a box to the left. TIP: Write a letter to Jay-Z requesting that he keep his ho on a leash.

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