_So a Magician is driving down the road...

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by lboiczo

for those that dont get it.. hes a magician, he TURNS into a driveway. get it get it?
Wrong emphasis.
He turns INTO a driveway, instead IN TO a driveway.

For the record, I chuckled a little bit.
Thanks, now I too can enjoy the laugh.
I'm still sittin here with my face in knots trying to figure it out. Unnecessarily overworking my brain lol
I always laugh hard at these corny %@* jokes. Like the one about how wewouldn't have a black president until pigs fly...
switch this into a corny joke thread...i love these....

what is betoven's (wow sp?) favorite fruit?


what is mario's favorite kind of pants?

denim denim denim

why couldnt ryu go to the arcade??

because he didnt have A-TOKEEEEN
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by lboiczo

for those that dont get it.. hes a magician, he TURNS into a driveway. get it get it?
Wrong emphasis.
He turns INTO a driveway, instead IN TO a driveway.

For the record, I chuckled a little bit.

thanks. i was stone facing everyone before this clarification .. but then i erupted in laughter.
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