Abandoned Island in the middle of NYC (Pics)

Jul 11, 2006


If you’ve ever had the chance to kayak around New York, you might have noticed this…


In between Queens and the Bronx, is a small abandoned island called “North Brother”.


In 1885 the island was used to build a hospital complex to quarantine and treat people suffering from smallpox and typhoid fever.


In the 1950s they turned it into a rehab center, but the entire island has been abandoned since 1963.

They tried to sell the island to private investors in the 70’s but it was too expensive to build everything.


In the 80’s they tried to build a prison on the island but scrapped the plan because it was cheaper to build in upstate New York.


Let’s take a look inside! •••​


The library is a mess and books are all over the place. I love the way old book pages look.


The printed word rots away… •••​


The restrooms still look the same as they would today, and still promote good hygiene.


Not sure that would help if you had been quarantined there. •••​


It was interesting to see remnants of medical equipment, like this old X-ray machine and the barium patients uses to swallow beforehand.


Art still remained from the heroin addicts who had lived in the rehab center,



Such a peaceful and calming activity must have helped them overcome their urges.


Mother nature was reclaiming her land. Open spaces like tennis courts and roads were mostly overgrown.



A chair stood on its own with no seat, looking over the island.


And some of the doors were filled with bullet holes. Likely from the police at nearby Riker’s Island.


(end of story)

might try to sneak there this summer.
There's a handful of these around the city. Abandoned jails, hospitals and asylums.

I think I read somewhere that they filmed the series "Life After Humans" on these islands.

Would be dope to check out in person, but lose me on kayaking on the Hudson.
Looks cool, makes me wonder what other abandoned islands around the world look like.
It'd be cool to walk around but I'd feel like I was in a horror movie.
Post pics when you go OP.  I'm hitting up NY in two weeks, but not even thinking about going to this shutter island ****...
i want to go to there

it'd be dope to just go there and start your own little community, at least until they kick you off

one of these home makeover shows should go there and rebuild the whole thing
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Post pics when you go OP.  I'm hitting up NY in two weeks, but not even thinking about going to this shutter island ****...
considering I just inquired on facebook about it and was told by friends who have been there that the only way to go without attracting police attention is to kayak or row boat over there (and my swimming is atrocious) i don't know if i'm about that life.

i have no problem going onto and exploring the island, i just don't want to drown on the way after i get blown by, by a speedboat.
I'm 90% sure there HAVE to be homeless people living here already by the way.  I don't buy this "totally deserted" thing one bit.
i want to go to there

it'd be dope to just go there and start your own little community, at least until they kick you off
Word to The Beach

**** does look Shutter Island-esque.

Dope pics but that **** would spook me if I set foot there
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So that's what that is over there? I don't want to go there at all. For what? It's old and abandoned, but fear not, it's NYC, they'll find a way to buy it and convert it into something that makes money. Just a matter of time.
im surprised one of the super rich people havent bought the island and built a massive house. Y live in a 60 million dollar penthouse when you can live on your own island in NYC
Post pics when you go OP.  I'm hitting up NY in two weeks, but not even thinking about going to this shutter island ****...

:lol: considering I just inquired on facebook about it and was told by friends who have been there that the only way to go without attracting police attention is to kayak or row boat over there (and my swimming is atrocious) i don't know if i'm about that life.

i have no problem going onto and exploring the island, i just don't want to drown on the way after i get blown by, by a speedboat.

You buggin b :lol:
Im surprised the city didnt try to clean this up and turn it into a haunted house type deal. I could see them charging $250 per person or something outrageous like that 
I'm 90% sure there HAVE to be homeless people living here already by the way.  I don't buy this "totally deserted" thing one bit.
Unless they swam there or stole a boat, I highly doubt it

I mean not all the homeless in the city are dirt poor or resourceless.  There's guys in Washington Sq. Park with new mac books.  You don't think they could hustle up/steal a kayak?
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