About to switch to sprint. What phone should I get

May 28, 2009
I don't know why I didn't do this earlier. They sayin' it is gonna be 20 bucks a month to add me to my mom and dad's family plan with everything unlimitied
. I have the bold 2 for t-mobile and love it. So what phone is good for sprint? I was looking at the tour but I don't think it has the same OS (5.0 i think) as the bold 2. Or does it. That droid phone seems dope also. Palm Pre? Thanks
Im with sprint and I want a Palm Pre. I have an LG Lotus.
HTC Touch Pro 2. I don't know enough about Droid OS phones yet, but if they have a wifi router app and a Skyfire app, I might consider making the switch.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

HTC Touch Pro 2. I don't know enough about Droid OS phones yet, but if they have a wifi router app and a Skyfire app, I might consider making the switch.
I need to get around to getting one
I had the Tour on my very brief stint with Sprint and it was actually pretty decent. There's suppose to be a Tour 2 dropping soon with the trackpad and wifi.
I have the Tour and the Touch Pro 2 both for Sprint.

I MUCH prefer the the Tour. And yes Sprint released the Official 5.0 Tour OS release like a month ago. The TP2 is my work phone. I'm not much a fan of it.
i have the Pre and its
. They have mad themes for it. The apps ehh not so much. Battery life is doodoo if you like to do heavy youtubing.

The Tour is hella nice tho. I would stay away from htc phones.
i have the palm pre and i love it, its so easy to use. My friend has the newest HTC one they have (touch pro?) he really likes it, but i wanted an all touchscreen with no buttons.
Originally Posted by KMun44

i have the palm pre and i love it, its so easy to use. My friend has the newest HTC one they have (touch pro?) he really likes it, but i wanted an all touchscreen with no buttons.
u mean keyboard?
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[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Really the Pre is the best choice to go with. Web OS is better than anything that BB or HTC has out right now. And Flash is coming out soon for it too[/font]
just wait it out for like 4-5 months. a slew of new phones with the newest technology will be coming out.

do not lock yourself into a contract for 2 years. the tp2 is the best phone sprint has right now, but it is already severely outdated. 2 years+ old technology in it.

windows 7 is coming at the end of this year. just wait!
Originally Posted by yomegaaa

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Really the Pre is the best choice to go with. Web OS is better than anything that BB or HTC has out right now. And Flash is coming out soon for it too[/font]
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