Advice On My NExt Move

May 28, 2005
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my girl is very outspoken and confrontational. pmighty is the exact opposite. I let her get away w/alot of stuff to avoid alot of arguments. long story shot meand my girl had a big time argument today because i wasnt havin it, it settled down when i was about to get out her car then it escalated as i was leavin. Sowhen we pull up shes like "jus get the eff out i dont even know if i want to talk to you tomorrow". So me bein me i get out but leave the door openand say "thats coo shut your own damn to that" she sits there for a min in disbelief and as she makes her way to the passanger side as imwalkin home she says "i hate to say it but we may be on a done basis" My reply was "well you wanna be ms tough girl all the time so w/e"she then went on to take a personal shot at me which was funny but besides the point.

i dont really want to lose my girl but idk what to do. i wanna call her but then i dont wanna seem like im given in like ill fold to erry one of her threats.So my quesiton is what should i do? should i let her calm down and call later? should i call tomorrow? should i wait for her to hit me? idk really know what todo nt im (young)confused(buck)
Wait it out, if she doesnt hit you back in a few days reach out to her.....she just wants you to crack but if she sees that you arent budging she willreconsider what she said and hit you up on that apologetic tip
im not drivin right now cuz my car needs inspected and some other things so she says "worry about shuttin your own damn doors when you get your wack #*%car on the road"
then she pulled off. i wanted to laugh but i was still
Originally Posted by Pmighty

my girl is very outspoken and confrontational. pmighty is the exact opposite.
You speaking in the third person??
What was the argument about?

at the personal attack. She's obviously in the wrong, you dontneed that.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

im not drivin right now cuz my car needs inspected and some other things so she says "worry about shuttin your own damn doors when you get your wack #*% car on the road"
then she pulled off. i wanted to laugh but i was still

That's it? I thought she really got at you.
leave her. let her learn her lesson. if she doesn't come back at least she'll think twice about doing it to the next guy.
You better not call man...

How is she gonna violate you, then YOU call to apologize? %!*% that.

She'll respect you a lot more and not be such a line stepper when you start butting heads with her and let her know you're not the one.

Originally Posted by BlackTh0ught

Originally Posted by Pmighty

im not drivin right now cuz my car needs inspected and some other things so she says "worry about shuttin your own damn doors when you get your wack #*% car on the road"
then she pulled off. i wanted to laugh but i was still

That's it? I thought she really got at you.
He's lookin at it like this....when she's in his ride with him she's probably thinking "why I gotta be in the wack !$$ car"while she's checkin out the guy at the stop lights whip
jayhood- thats partially true. i was also lookin at it like thats how you really feel? kick me when im down? really?
She'll respect you a lot more and not be such a line stepper when you start butting heads with her and let her know you're not the one.
yea i kno thats what i was kind of thinkin
but im not tryin to gamble w/my relationship either tho

Wait OP do you actually drive a bucket?
thats not what this is about
Originally Posted by Pmighty

jayhood- thats partially true. i was also lookin at it like thats how you really feel? kick me when im down? really?
She'll respect you a lot more and not be such a line stepper when you start butting heads with her and let her know you're not the one.
yea i kno thats what i was kind of thinkin
but im not tryin to gamble w/my relationship either tho

Wait OP do you actually drive a bucket?
thats not what this is about

Well do you man... if you're happy with her _____ing you around cause you're afraid to be alone then it is what it is.

I mean...if the argument gets to the point of someone being thrown out of the car, maybe neither party is mature enough to be in a serious relationship. If itsnot a serious relationship, then it should be easy to break it off...
Honestly your next move should be to commit that

Why are you letting your girl wear the pants in your relationship? Your next move should be letting that @@*$@ go
You're gonna lose if you stay with this chick.

I mean how do you think this relationship will end? Well? Be real, if she's this bad now, just wait and see.

If she hasn't put hands on you yet, she will and that may be on the day you ain't feeling so passive then all of a sudden you're not only in averbally abusive relationship, you're getting your Chris Brown on...

But do you.
When yall make up next 2 months from now, you're gonna find out she's 3 months pregnant.
Thd answer is pretty obvious really... don't call her. She crossed the line, why should you apologize?

But, as is usually the case, you'll probably call her tomorrow. Sorry to say it, but as childish as it may seem you guys are in a waiting game. The winner(the person who GETS the phone call) will have the upper hand in the relationship.

If you want your woman to understand herself, do not call. Simple.
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