Air Jordan 3 WC 88 Mentalkicks legit check

Feb 2, 2013
I bought a second pair from but when I compared to the pair that I grabbed from the two don't match exactly.  I want to know if the pair from mentalkicks are fake or some "Grey market shoe"

1) Elephant print is much more defined on the FL pair 

left pair is from FL right pair is Mentalkicks

2) shape on the elephant print on the toe is thinner on the pair from FL and thicker on the pair from mentalkicks

FL on the left and mental kicks on the right

3) Elephant print on the FL pair extends past the black on the midsole and the right pair from mental kicks ends at the black

top pair is FL and bottom is mental kicks

5) Midsole is matted finish on the FL and mentalkicks are glossy and feel smooth 

6) Jumpman logo is higher on the FL pair on the left as compared to the mentalkicks pair on the right

7) different labels in the shoes 11/27 in the mental kicks and 12/18/12 in the finishline pair 8) different font on the box label top mentalkicks and bottom is finishline

spacing on the 580775 and 160 are different fonts and spacing and JUMPMAN23.COM is bold on finishline pair
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