Mar 28, 2004
im sure many of you have noticed the influx of new users posting their work

don't really have a problem with it but i'd like to know what draws you here?

The music section as it is now doesn't seem like a real hotbed for feedback, especially for brand new members
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Been here for 10 years. Just felt confident recently to start making music, and sharing it with people. NT is part of who I am and in my mind it's my way of giving back to the community
I have no problem with it either...

AS LONG AS they stick around and actual participate in the community.

I can't ride with that "drop off a link and never appear again" stuff.

if their first ever post is creating a thread for their music its probably gonna be the latter
been on nt for a years reluctant to post any music in the past most just pass over it i mostly chill in general now
I mostly lurk the music, but frequent/post in the sports Section.. I'll put up something soon maybe..
And as far as the new artists you know they just trying to get their music heard anywhere, but never stick around to contribute .. it's almost like spam lol
I'm here to share my music with others who are willing to share their music with me.

First Track I'm Releasing From My NEW Mixtape Dropping THIS MONTH !
It's Marq Iggy, The ONLY ***** From MIami Gardens Doing His OWN Promo, Beats, Lyrics, Rock Music And Everything Else. ***** With The Kid.

bruh you are the worst.

not only is your music not good, but this is your third post and the following are your other two posts:

I Try To Listen To My Own Music So I Don't Get Influenced By Already Popular Rappers.

WE ARE INDIE MUSIC ! Lets Overthrow This BS Government Called The Music Industry.

Don't do that, bruh. It's cool if you wanna get your stuff out there, but ACTUALLY BE A CONTRIBUTING MEMBER TO THIS WEBSITE.
The new posters here for self promotion are killing the forum. PLVN made a thread addressing it for the mods/admins and they've ignored it. A wait period is absolutely needed here.
I been wondering the same thing

Was it that complex article a few months back rating us the #3 hip hop forum? :rofl:

What's get me is this joint is dead as hell now, prolly one of the last sites I would sign up on to plug my music :lol:
you ****** doin it wrong man. but naw, i'm clearly not new but i been posting my music and also

participating in the community for a while. i didn't get on here to post music. i got on to buy shoes

and my first post i got flamed for calling the sports blue vi's the september blues. :rofl: when i did

start posting my music it was hard at first but when people actually listened i got a bunch of connections

and stuff from here. so it's all about how you do it...and make sure the product is good. that's hard though

because all these dudes think their music is good. *shrugs*
you ****** doin it wrong man. but naw, i'm clearly not new but i been posting my music and also

participating in the community for a while. i didn't get on here to post music. i got on to buy shoes

and my first post i got flamed for calling the sports blue vi's the september blues.
when i did

start posting my music it was hard at first but when people actually listened i got a bunch of connections

and stuff from here. so it's all about how you do it...and make sure the product is good. that's hard though

because all these dudes think their music is good. *shrugs*
Had no idea you spit or that you were out the H? How are things going with getting your sound quality together??

I checked out your kickstarter and I know the feeling. I'm in the DFW but Im in ATX and The H on a regular.

I produce and spit. Where can I hear more of your work?
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ive been on here for years just never been a big poster this is my second account my original from like 06 only had like 260 posts
Had no idea you spit or that you were out the H? How are things going with getting your sound quality together??

I checked out your kickstarter and I know the feeling. I'm in the DFW but Im in ATX and The H on a regular.

I produce and spit. Where can I hear more of your work?

sound quality thing is all squared away. found a dope studio in Houston.

and my next project is coming in the spring but i have one w/ Slim K you

can get on HotNewHipHop:*******-get-off-my-cloud-mixtape.77103.html?song-1

I liked the song good content. Just the video was kind of grainy/blury in the beginning, don't know if that was done on purpose.

Thanks. I honestly can't say whether it was or wasn't. I was more of an attachment to that video then actually being the thought behind it. With the stuff I've been working on going forward I've def been more involved. niquefreak94 niquefreak94

I haven't forgot about your kick starter it's just been finger nail sandwiches around this way lately
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