Any NTers living in Athens, Greece?

Dec 25, 2012
NT Fam, I'll be in Athens for the next two weeks.  What are some places in Athens you recommend I visit?  What's up with the night life? Are the chicks out there promiscuous?  I'm also thinking about island hopping.  

Any help is appreciated and it'd be cool if we could hang out if possible. Peace!
My girl is Greek, she grew up going there every summer. She always tells me how bad Athens is lol

imo you should definitely island hop and try to visit Crete and Chios, those are the best from what she tells me.
My parents just came back from Athens. They said trying to get anything done or planned there is very chaotic, but that's typical of many Southern European cities in general :lol: They had a great time island hopping though. take lots of sunblock. My parents came back looking unrecognizable :lol:
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Are you brown, black, or asian?
Don't want to be a debbie downer, but they've been cracking down on illegal migrant workers and some tourists have been mistaken and placed in jail :smh:
Are you brown, black, or asian?
Don't want to be a debbie downer, but they've been cracking down on illegal migrant workers and some tourists have been mistaken and placed in jail
I'm ethically ambiguous. 
  Won't have that problem, but thanks for the heads up anyways. 
My boy recently returned to the states after livin in Piraeus, Athens for over two years.

He said the nightlife was great, except that Greek women are hit or miss, they're either dimes or ducks and the men are very possessive.
With their economy in the toilet along with the rest of the EU, its probably the last place I'd want to live especially with the rise in power of political parties like Golden Dawn.
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