Any OLD WESTBURY or Morrisville State College heads on NT?

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I would like to know more about these schools as I will be attending either one in the Fall.
Mo ville is official lots of fun from what my dude told me....I went to Old West and it was cool back then but from what my peoples told me, its run like parties and campus life is dead..lot of joints go there tho....lots but the campus is a ghost town on weekends since most go home for it...if ugonna go tho to Old West, make sure u have a whip...shuttle service is a joke and ridiculous...and don't get me started on the MTA buses out there...
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

Mo ville is official lots of fun from what my dude told me....I went to Old West and it was cool back then but from what my peoples told me, its run like a parties and campus life is dead..lot of joints go there tho....lots but the campus is a ghost town on weekends since most go home for it...if u gonna go tho to Old West, make sure u have a whip...shuttle service is a joke and ridiculous...and don't get me started on the MTA buses out there...


parties are rarely held in dorms..I mean you can get some friends and keep it in your room and all with a couple drinks but
shh gets disgusting come the could hear a pin drop.Ghost town indeed.
but the joints out here are
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