Anyone 18+ in SD that can help?

Sep 14, 2005
I'm trying to find a good strip club and I'm staying in the Chula Vista area. Recommend me some place please before they close!
if you have an internet connection anything is possible. sorry i don't live in socal yet
The Autumn Wind is a Pirate
trust me dude, I've BEEN on the internet and there's nothing better than a locals opinion
I don't think there's any good ones in Chula Vista, or any at all. I could be wrong though.
Killah Cali Westcoast
Just cross the border and head out to Revolution in Tijuana, if you have back up go to La Zona Roja(you have to be careful!!!! if your not familiar with the area or dont have at least 3 people with you dont go...TRUST ME!!!
There ain't nothing in Chula Vista if you're looking for strip clubs.

Cheetahs or Dream Girls are your best bet.

Pure Platinum is weak sauce.
all the strip clubs in SD are whack...might as well head to border for a good time
clocking in at 9 clocking out at 5
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