Anyone else a bit of a "neat freak"?

Jul 2, 2002
I just got done cleaning the apartment and it got me thinkin if I was the only college aged person that HAS to have everything neat.

I live with my girlfriend and she's the messiest person I've ever lived with. Just $%#% EVERYWHERE, clothes, makeup, hair stuff...gets me so

Roommate's room last year looked like a nuke went off in it, half the time didn't even have sheets on his bed

I gotta have everything in it's own place, stuff needs to be dusted and vacuumed on the regular, clothes need to be folded nicely, etc. Anyone else likethat or am I weird?
My husband is a neat freak and ALWAYS gets on me about leaving ***% around everywhere. I'm slowly but surely learning to clean up my own ***%.
Just a little bit. I definitely don't obsess over it or anything. But I do like things to be clean and organized.
I do however get into moods where I just leave things out and around and not clean it up until I can't stand looking at it anymore
my apartment/room is usually pretty messy but i find that when i do my weekly clean up its almost therapeutic
same here i start freaking out if stuff is all over the place

i even trip if the carpet doesn't have a certain pattern when i vacuum it
At times.

Like if my room is a little messy, it doesn't really bother me.

But once I clean it up, everything has to be perfect.
i cant concentrate when im in a messy environment. when i have an exam coming up, i always clean everything up. its like cleansing the soul, waiting forenlightenment
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

My husband is a neat freak and ALWAYS gets on me about leaving ***% around everywhere. I'm slowly but surely learning to clean up my own ***%.

I definitely agree with this. I used to be incredibly messy, but my roommate in college last year was really neat. At first I didn't care
but as time went by i noticed i started to tidy my stuff up more in more. It just looked hella sloppy to me that my side was
all dirty looking and his looked so crisp. I'm not to the point that I'm 'neat' yet but im certainly getting there.
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