Anyone here own a Doberman?

let me post

Sep 19, 2004
I'm planning on coppin one soon, can't decide between a blue or a red one.

Any of you guys got one? If so, pics?

Someone told me Dobermans are stupid, which immediately led me to believe that person had no idea what they were talking about. I talked to two of my friends(both dog trainers), and they told me that I was right, that person had no idea%#$$ they were talkin about.
i dunno if you should be "copping" a dog. a dog is more than just a "cop". but dobermen are great dogs. i dont own one (i own a cane corsoand bichon) but i know people who do. there great.

also id get grey, but dont get hung up on the color of the dog over the dog itself.
^I know it's more than a "cop," i know enough about dogs to know how much time and effort they require. I've owned dogs in the past, as wellas worked at a pet store.

Yeah, I def know color isnt important, but if i'm going to "cop" a dog that i'm going to devote the next 10 years to, I want it to look theway I want it to look.

Later on down the road, I wanna get a Neapolitan Mastiff.
neos drool like a muggg. my corso gets drool everywhere, i dont know how anyone can stand a neos drool. lol
Originally Posted by HUNNIT8SEVEN

neos drool like a muggg. my corso gets drool everywhere, i dont know how anyone can stand a neos drool. lol
I'm sure they do, but I don't care I still want one, something about their face that I love.
I'd def get that when I'm older and got my own house, and have enoughroom to keep that massive dog happy.
This one lives by my mom it's owned by to strippers (irrelevant
)honestly that thing scares the @$#* outta me when it barks...and I've owned a pitbull and boxer. Good luck with the dog and all that if you get it, postpics too.
Be careful of where and who you get it from.
A good breeder is often said for
1) Health.(asin later on in life.)
2) Temperment. for a poodle i wouldnt stress it but a Dobe/Rott./German Shep HELL YES. they can kill people.
3) AKC / Papers will be good if you do shows and such but isnt a necessity
4) they will make you sign a contract(more often then not) saying if you cant take care of it they will take the dog back
if you take it to a shelter and not back to them they can sue you, yada yada yada
5) You know they are in it for the love, not money. BUT IT WILL COST YOU =p

Male or Female wont matter, in my personal experiance i tend to prefer Females
people will say oh females are smaller.. my baby girls mother(parents were schIII) was 130 and the father(champ bloodlines),schIII) was 145lbs and 4 inchestaller then the mother.
good parents
compared to a friends, the female was bigger then his male by 20lbs and 4-6inches.

I train schutzhund(protection/guard work)

I grew up with two Dobies(Doom und Schneider) both were great but then again they were well trained
socialize them, give them training so you can control them(basic stuff such as 100% recall (come and they come.) sit, leave it, down, heel.
they by nature arent all aggresive they are sweet and similar to a german shepherd.
they are prone to some disease so a good vet will be your best bet.
I was about to get a doberman (I grew up with two german sheps and two dobes)

here my newest addition to the fam.
@ copping a dog

I had two Dobermans growing up, and they were great dogs. Intelligent, loyal to the family, protective, and just real good dogs to have. Shame they get sucha bad rap.

As far as color, that's a totally subjective thing. Like you said, YOU'RE the one that's going to have the dog for the next 10 years, soyou're the one that needs to make the call.
@ ya'll getting into a hissy-fit cuz i used the word "copping." It's NOT that serious.


Word, thanks for the tips. I def was already planning on getting a dobe from a breeder, cuz I don't want just any old Doberman. I don't mind spendingmoney, cuz I know it's worth it. I'm hoping $1500 is enough to purchase a well bred Doberman.

I've def read a lot about the diseases Dobes are prone too. I've seen a doberman in the past who had joint trouble and was always in pain, andeventually had to be put down.

Why are you getting it though? i am sorry but i don't like animals specially dogs in my house.

Because I want to? I love animals, especially dogs. I've owned 2 in the past, and my girlfriend owns 2 at the moment, and I see them as my dogs cuz Ispend so much time with them.
Personally I think both red and blue Dobermans are beautiful dogs, with my slight preference leaning towards blue. If I were going to get a dog, a Dobermanwould definitely be on the short list...
i have 3 miniature pinschers (sp?) and they are great dogs. They can get rather jelouse though. I had a full grown doberman a while back and they are veryloyal and smart dogs.
My mom grew up with a Doberman. They're supposed to be great dogs. I myself am partial to Great Danes, but I like Dobermans. Attacktherim, that's acute puppy, but I have no love for German Shepherds. My godfather had one when I was growing up and it attacked me three times when I was little.
Whatever you do, don't get a mini Doberman. Those things are the dumbest, most annoying dogs on the face of the earth. I don't have any experience withregular Dobies, but the mini ones were a nightmare to take care of. And it was only for two months.
My uncle had 2 of them Romep and Juliet, romeo passed away recently RIP. great dogs though really playful with the younger kids and nice.
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