Anyone men on here with low T-Levels?

Aug 23, 2004
The results of my lab work came back. Urine was fine and my blood work was normal except my CO2 level was on the high end of normal (due to sleep apnea) and Cholesterol (taking a statin to keep under control).

I was a little surprised at low my T-level was. My T-level is 343.7 and while that is considered normal it is on the lower end of normal. I know I'm near 40 but I figured if the range is from 175-781 I would be around the mid to upper 400s given my age (37).

I workout 3-4 times a week and have cut about 25 lbs in the last year.

I have a follow up with my doctor to discuss this and he wants some additional bloodwork so he can run some additional tests.

I'm going to ask him if I should consider some T-level boosters or if there is something I can add naturally to my diet to increase my t-levels.

How did that convo go between you and your doc about this issue?
Felt like **** most days between 30-35, energy in the gym, sex drive (no ed fortunately), cloudiness, fat retention like a m fer, sleeping 5hrs a night, etc

went to a ‘men’s clinic’ (not recommended, but sometimes you have to) I tested in the low 300’s, wanted to sign me up on TRT for $2k the first year. I declined.

I went to another clinic, mainly for weight loss. Got tested again as far as bloods, T came back in the high 100’s way low. The price of entry was much less, so I started on a 12 week cycle last year, within 4 weeks I was sleeping like a baby. 7-8 hrs no interruption. Sex drive was OFF THE CHAINS, (putting up Mayweather rounds nh) energy throughout the day where/when it counted. However, I was on 200mg/week, which some people say is too high to start off with. My T was at 1400 and I had back acne, greasy skin, and elevated estrogen. We lowered it to 180mg and my T leveled out. I think that was still too high of a dose.

fast forward to now, I got my PCP to test me, of course it came back low after a two month break. They gave me a script for depo 100mg/week and it’s literally free. With that being said, doctors over clinics, but not all docs are the same, some are actually quite terrible and don’t know how to treat it. Get tested again, and tel your doc to send you to a specialist/endocrinologist.

I self administer once a week at home and there’s quite of bit of tweaking I look forward to to dial everything in, since this is ‘for life’, if you have low T you have low T, no amount of deadlifts and T boosters are going to cure that.

NT ain’t the place for this kinda talk, I suggest the test subreddit.
Sleep apnea is no joke, go get a sleep study. That stuff kills you slowly and puts a lot of stress on your heart. And contrary to popular belief you don't necessarily have to be fat to have it.
Why were you getting your testosterone levels checked to begin with? How old are you?
When should you be getting your t levels checked? Never crossed my mind.
When should you be getting your t levels checked? Never crossed my mind.

I think when you get older men symptoms like fatigue, obviously sexual issues can be a sign of low T but testosterone supplementation is not without risks. Prostate cancer is prevalent amongst older men, and testosterone can make the cancer more aggressive.

If you are young you should probably find other ways of increasing your T levels without replacement like diet, exercise, etc
oh ok im good then...i don't have any of these problems and i lift/exercise regularly.
i just didn't know if this is one of those things that you should get checked at a certain age
Should’ve probably asked your height too :lol:

Sleep apnea is no joke, go get a sleep study. That stuff kills you slowly and puts a lot of stress on your heart. And contrary to popular belief you don't necessarily have to be fat to have it.

I did which why I know I have sleep apnea. I wear a plastic molded mouthpiece at night to keep airflow at night. I forgot the technical name for the mouthpiece.

And you are right. People think only overweight people can get it. I have wide neck too so that doesn't help things (Size 17-17.5).
I should inquire. Didn't even ask my doc during my last checkup and covid delayed my next one.
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