anyone on NT a teacher?

my pops is a former educator, and my sis is currently a grade school teach out in the burbs.

if you're really concerned w/$$$$$, don't become a teacher. period.
professor or college administrator would be much more lucrative options in education.

and you can major in most anything. all you need is to go through the credential program, successfully complete it, and get your 2 yrs of teaching experiencefor your credential.

props to you and all others that are sincerely interested in teaching. there's a dire need for QUALITY instruction/education in the public school system.sadly, public school teachers continue to be some of the most underappreciated+PAID individuals out there.
btw, to touch a lil bit on what Martin offered............

it is nice to latch on w/a school that has the resources to treat their staff and kids right, but don't think you're on easy street just cuz you'reat a "rich (good) school." especially if you're out in the burbs, where a lot of the moms+parents don't work a lot and are SUPER involvedw/their kids' education, things can get pretty demanding.

my sis is at a pretty good school, and she is having a tough time w/SEVERAL of the kids' parents. more than a couple of them actually go to school w/theirkids and STAY throughout the whole day, so it really puts pressure on my sis & cramps her style/schedule cuz the parents are always looking forspecial/extra attention for their respective children.

additionally, the parents that don't coddle their kids by going to school with them are still hella demanding cuz they when they come to scoop up theirkids, they wanna stay after hours and get special attention for them+their rugrats too.

and not to mention that some of the kids are so "pampered" that a few of them have detachment & anxiety issues when they're forced toseparate from their parents at school. my sis is basically a teacher+babysitter+therapist for all her kids AND the parents.
but she ain't theonly one getting overextended. most teachers nowadays have it rough.

make sure you're really serious about teaching and prepared for all the time+effort you'll have to expend. it ain't an easy job/profession.
again, you definitely won't get rich either.
Yeah CL, no doubt.

I mean it just blew my mind grade/high school teachers make that much, I always thought a public school teacher make like 28k starting or something like that,so seeing a salary like that was kinda nutz.

Like you said, I'm sure they need to put in a lot more work. Those "rich" schools have a lot of special programs and whatever else so its morethings a teacher has to handle. Plus I read the class size was like 13 on average vs. Philly's new high of like 34, so I'm sure they have to get a lotmore personal with the students and such.

And its funny huh, you always DO hear about a lot of messed up+%+@ going on in these seemingly carefree lives of these kids. I read they have 2 on staffPsychologists on staff per grade, in Central high I was lucky if I could meet with my counselor.

But like most people said, teaching is really a passion based profession, period.
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