ATTN POTHEADS : how to pass a Drug test ?

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OKIE DOKIE, so here's the deal. My drug test is on Monday.

I've been smoking pretty heavily for the past couple months, the last time I smoked was 2 days ago and I smoked 2 blunts. Before that, I smoked a week ago.

So i went out to the store and bought this detox drink for $30.00

I was told to drink a lot of water and to chug this bottle 1 hour before the test, anyone have any experience with this ?

Basically, what other things can I do so that my piss comes out clean ?
Thanks in advance for all the help.
there's nothing you can do days before a drug test, regardless if someone tells you otherwise.

and this is against the roc and is probably gonna get locked i think...
i pissed for my cousin.

he got the job instantly. like really, he took my urine in a sandwich bag into the place while i sat in the car listenin to Lil Weezy Ana, and he came back andsaid he starts next week


this was a while ago tho. as he quit a couple days later.

my boy takes naicin pills and said they make him itch like crazy. dude was poppin them like they were skittles
  • Go to the Smoke Shop and look for Quik Fix by UrineLuck
  • Buy an Ace Bandage wraps (The one you use on sprained ankles, wrists)
  • The instructions are there, QuikFix is $20-50 dependin how shady your Smoke Shop is:
  • Comes with a synthetic fake piss in a small bottle with a thermometer on the front.
  • RIGHT before your test. Microwave (No MORE than 5 or 10 Seconds, check the instructions) the bottle until its somewhere in the 95-100 Degree range. (IT HAS TO BE BETWEEN 90-100)
  • Crack the HEATING PAD it comes with it
  • Place the heating pad on the BACK of the Bottle (away from the thermometer) and rubberband it together
  • Wrap the bottle with the Ace Bandages around your leg/thigh.
  • Empty the bottle on the test cup, (it has ONLY enough for the minimum needed on the test so dont spill)
  • Piss in the toilet WHILE your fillin up your cup OR after JUST in case someone got their ears on the door. They usually do.
  • Done.
Dont do it hours prior, the heating pad will stay hot for a good 6 hours but it could fail on you. Do that like RIGHT before you head to get tested.
Originally Posted by Russoull

  • Go to the Smoke Shop and look for Quik Fix by UrineLuck
  • Buy an Ace Bandage wraps (The one you use on sprained ankles, wrists)
  • The instructions are there, QuikFix is $20-50 dependin how shady your Smoke Shop is:
  • Comes with a synthetic fake piss in a small bottle with a thermometer on the front.
  • RIGHT before your test. Microwave (No MORE than 5 or 10 Seconds, check the instructions) the bottle until its somewhere in the 95-100 Degree range. (IT HAS TO BE BETWEEN 90-100)
  • Crack the HEATING PAD it comes with it
  • Place the heating pad on the BACK of the Bottle (away from the thermometer) and rubberband it together
  • Wrap the bottle with the Ace Bandages around your leg/thigh.
  • Empty the bottle on the test cup, (it has ONLY enough for the minimum needed on the test so dont spill)
  • Piss in the toilet WHILE your fillin up your cup OR after JUST in case someone got their ears on the door. They usually do.
  • Done.
Dont do it hours prior, the heating pad will stay hot for a good 6 hours but it could fail on you. Do that like RIGHT before you head to get tested.
I went to a drug test and they told me not to flush after I pissed in the toilet. I figured theyd check the water too. I could be wrong, but justa heads up
seriously ? It's impossible for my piss to come out clean ? I was told this drink masks it if you drink it one hour before.
this what i did the last times i had to take a piss test. both time they had me strip and put on night gowns and patted me down. ca drug test ftl. but i tooktest pure (20 bucks from the smoke shop) about 90 minutes before the test. i got the big bottle for heavy users. finished that in a minute than drank a bottleof water. pissed 3 times in a span of 45minutes and went in took the test and passed.

on one test i had smoked 3 blunts the night before, so i was mad shook. thought i was going to lose my job
after passing i smoked later that night

if i take a folicle test im screwed
drink lots and LOTS of water. There is this stuff at that um... vitamin store in the mall i forgot the damn name of it hold up let me google. it. It'scalled GNC they have a drink there that's 70 bucks but it WORKS. my friend who is on probabtion had a drug test and she dronk the whole thing with lots ofwater and passed ha ha.
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