Barbershops in Longwood/Altamonte/Casselbery/Winter Springs

Jul 30, 2004
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I'm in desperate need of a new barber...the dude i been going to for a couple months been zeeking up my hairline bad... >:
this spot called Cache Latino in Longwood

I've been to Just Blaze but havent found a good barber...if you guys can recommend me another spot with a SPECIFIC barber? or maybe even a single barber at Just Balze...anyone help me out
Sun in the back of Just Blaze [the heavy-set Black/Dominican dude] is the best.

Flex [in the front] is real good too, but he pushes hairlines back just a bit far and he doesn't do facial hair.

Manny is who I go to... but I'm not gonna front.

He has good days most of the time but still has his bad days,

Yet I go to him regardless since he's the barber I went to since Day 1 when I came out here.

I just go home after, hook myself up with a t-outliner and straightedge blade, and I'm better.

Do NOT go to anyone else... especially Tony or Hollywood.

Those 2 dudes are absolutely the WORST folks in the shop.

But you know what... these guys keep discussing this shop that's apparently their biggest competition.

Master Cuts or something close to that.

Some spot with Northern barbers that haven't quit or gotten fired since the place opened up 5 - 6 years ago?

Something about expensive barber seats, mirrors and lights everywhere,

Couldn't completely make out what they were saying 'cause they were speakin' in Spanish.

I didn't go very far in Spanish class back in high school years ago...

September 30, 2006:

The day I only began to realize how stupid this is...
word good looking out.

i dont got much facial hair so thats not a prob...i've got a @#%$ up hairline to begin hairline aint completely straight it comes down further on the sides (hard to explain) so when they try to straight it up they have to push it back a lot to get it to come out even...but i've had a couple dudes do a good job with my line.

i got the andis too so i can keep clean but i just hate having my hairline pushed so far back....imma have to let it grow in and wolf it out for a while so a new barber can hopefully get it fixed. but either way thanks for the heads up my dude
Word, got you.

Barbers are really just a matter preference [excluding those that @#%$ up].

My hairline sounds like it might be yours,

Where there's a lotta hair in what would be the corners of a freshly done hairline [son me if I'm wrong],

But basically my natural hairline is almost round like a half circle... Can't rock with that.

So from the sounds of your line and my line, Flex might be a real good bet for you.

He hooks up a good hairline all while pushin' back just a bit.

Manny tries to hook up a hairline while preserving the natural hairline as best as he can...

I tell him to push back more, but he still doesn't do much.

Sun, can't speak too much on him since I've never had him... but I've seen walk-in customers come out fresh,

And heard other barbers say he's 1 of the most on-point dudes in the spot.

Bottom line: try rockin' with Flex.

Tell him the little Filipino dude from Cali suggested him to you.

Edit ~~~//> Outta curiosity, who have you went to in Just Blaze?

If you don't know their names, then how they look / where they post at in the shop, etc.

September 30, 2006:

The day I only began to realize how stupid this is...
Where there's a lotta hair in what would be the corners of a freshly done hairline [son me if I'm wrong],

that sounds about right..sounds like my line..i mean it looks fresh when its just cut...but after a couple days when its growing back in it just looks real bad and even the outliners cant get that cleaned up...

i only been to Just Blaze a couple times...some younger cat who always rocked the five o clock shadow and the daddy yankee type cut...(blow-out with the dark-gelled up ceaser) was always cuttin my hair...but he dont work there no more and i never got his name or number...he was on point though. and then this older dude with gray hair and glasses cut me up once...and honestly that was like one of the worst cuts i've ever gotten in my life.

imma have to work with flex...

finding a new barber is always a frightening experience lol. but i appreciate the input man.
some younger cat who always rocked the five o clock shadow and the daddy yankee type cut...(blow-out with the dark-gelled up ceaser) was always cuttin my hair...but he dont work there no more and i never got his name or number...he was on point though.

Probably not anymore, then.

Got no idea who you're talkin' about...

Only young guy around the shop is a small babyfaced dude who looks like he can't even get a single pubic hair out his face.

and then this older dude with gray hair and glasses cut me up once...and honestly that was like one of the worst cuts i've ever gotten in my life.
ed scabbing/scarring up, it looked like I was rockin' the double lineup.

I was fitted with a Santa hat that entire week.

Flex, it is.

September 30, 2006:

The day I only began to realize how stupid this is...
Uppercuts in Orlando is nice...but mostly I'll go to Old Times barber on 434 before 436, because they're fast, and if you get the old man or the younger dude, you should be straight, but whatever you do, DO NOT LET THE LADY CUT YOUR HAIR.
She finishes in like 5 minutes and @#%$ your edge up.
Where Your Opinion is Wrong
And Lauryn Hill isn't on Lil' Wayne's level.​
^^ No doubt, anytime.

Shoulda warned you about Flex, though.

He's almost always booked... Very rare that he isn't.

He has a thick notebook of regulars that set appointments pretty much... I shoulda laced you with the shop's number at least.

he was wearing headphones so i couldnt really talk to him or nothing...but i think i found me a new barber.
Arright, so lemme tell you about Sun.

He's mad cool, but he has a ridiculous temper... He can go off @ any minute.

When he keeps to himself like that, most likely, he just got outta a fight/argument with another barber in the shop,

And chances are... it's @ some other barber using his stuff from his station.

But yeah, stick to Just Blaze really... You can't go wrong with three really good barbers.

Also been hearing a lotta good things about Uppercuts... But never made it out there.

Guess I'll be seein' you around the shop now, other than work.

September 30, 2006:

The day I only began to realize how stupid this is...
I hope you ninjas arent talking about Juelz Uppercuts....I went there one time since its sooo close to my house and I had a good cut and everything but this dude came out with a ghetto wanna be t-outliner...looked like one of those As seen on TV joints.
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Not sure what the name of the shop is, but I was waiting for the owner of BlackTop skateshop to show up and whatever barbershop is right next to them on 436 on casselberry did a really good job.

Also never been there myself but I hear Forest City barbershop on 436 by Little Dairy Manor and that Honda tuning shop is pretty good. They got a dude named manny that works there too. I went to school with his sister and I know his hair is always lookin straight.

Hope that helps.
WANTED - AZ Talaria, Spiridon, Neon 95 size 11.5 - Zoom Flight 95, 96, and V size 11
^ Lol. Forest City is DEAD now. Aint nothing but old people over there seriously if its out of your way dont go there. Just average hari cuts honestly.
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