Being a nickel and dimer in a half and whole thang sorta world FTL

Originally Posted by SF JS

Originally Posted by CB94

^Nice try. I was alluding to half ounces, whole pounds, nickel and dime sacks... that's how it's symbolism. Don't ever assume you have the full angle on me or what I'm saying. Chances are, I'm over your head or making two statements with half the wording. Though it's called "wordplay", it's not a game, and I take it VERY seriously. Other hood slang you may be lost on:
Corner store = weed man.
Sam's Club = Supplier.

I guess I'll just leave since all you morons blew the cover off my thread. Why couldn't I get the 6 or 7 people on NT that can relate and follow basic terminology with out a Code Words for Dummies book?
so you're calling people morons because they don't know the latest hood vernacular? that's like clowning a man because he can't speak dog. here's a better idea for a thread "wanna-be-intellectual-hoodtrash ftl"

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