Best iPod FM transmitter?

Mar 5, 2005
I have a ipod video 30 gig and I was looking for the best transmitter to play my music over the radio. the current one i have is made by accurian and kills myfully charged battery in 30 minutes. Are all these transmitters like this? If not, and you have a good recommendation I would really appreciate it.
if you have a tape deck, just buy a cassette adapter...or if your fm transmitter is on point, just buy a car charger.
my bad i forgot to mention no cassette or auxiliary outlet. about the car charger, the transmitter plugs into the ipod charging outlet so there would be noplace to plug in the car charger.
I had the dock in the Jeep, let my dad use the car for 2 months while i was away, came back and it was in 3-4 different pieces.
just buy a car stereo deck with ipod ready,that's what i did and it's better coz there's no static sound compare to fm transmitter
I bought one of these FM/AM transmitter from best experience with it was horrible there is so much static. If move your hand from the steering wheelthere's static. To make matters worst ever time i shift static interrupting the music, and some times the mp3 music fades and you hear the radio stationeven on the low FM/AM stations. IMO get the tape deck adapter its more reliable IMO
you sure you don't play it on with your volume on the ipod turned up? thats what i did first time i got it and drained it quickly, now i just turn it allthe way down and turn my car stereo up.
dont be a menace-yeah i actually had the ipod turned up all the way, so if i turn it low and turn up the car ill be fine for like at least 4 hours of music?
I got a monster cable from Fry's

charges while plays so you don't have to worry about battery life

Static on subs FTMFL
I'm not a huge fan of the monster cable. It's convenient because it also charges your iphone/ipod but from using it for over a year, there's justa lot of static and a lot of changing of radio stations to find the best frequency. I'm lucky enough to have a tape deck and the $5 I spent for thecassette adapter is much better than the $70 for the monster cable. My experience with the monster cable...
Buy you a indash that you can run a ipod adapter from the back of the indash, sounds like CD quality and charger your ipod. cord is hidden in the dash....

ahhhhhhh, love mines on my touchscreen. can control my ipod from the screen, FTW!
The casette is the best thing i've used.

Every transmitter was pure crap. Even the $80 Kensignton one, that i bought because it was "the best" at the time failed miserably. I don't knowwho has time to sit in their car and look for a station that works on both the radio and the transmitter. I hate those things with a passion.
I paid 15 for my adapater and 50 dollars to have it installed. Pretty good investment. For you cheap folks stop being cheap.
Neo Pro Link is the best car adapter. all FM transmitters are going to sound bad because it's radio quality. about $200 and an easy install depending onthe car and it syncs/charges the ipod so you can control it from the radio.
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