Better to ball in .. Lebrons VII ASG or Lebrons VII Dunkman

Nov 12, 2008
I got both of these shoes but i didnt decide which one is better to ball in.


dunkmans are leather also in the inside is this good for balling.

in the other hand i dont know how is this reflection material on ASG cracking?   

what about vaule of these sneakers?

any opinion is welcome
I think the ASGs are better to ball in because the sole isn't all transcluscent (sp?)
the middle panel on the sole is a solid rubber so i think it'd grip better
atleast from my experience with the asg and dunkmans just shooting around in em
The asg are more unique, but the dunkmans have that pop go hem that is subtle enough but noticeable. In the end they wont perform any different. The translucent sole picks up lint like a bia though so wipe em down after.
The Dunkman's would prolly be better to ball in. A lot of ppl have complained about the AS shoes being not as flexible. Supposedly the woodgrain 3m is a much stiffer material that doesn't allow for much movement, which could cause pinching or discomfort along the foot.
I dont have either one, but I think the Dunkman's are better to ball in 'cause of the Leather. nonetheless, the LeBron VII itself is great to ball in.
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