Can a Airplane take off if on a giant treadmill?

Jun 15, 2013
This is very old ...

I just want to know your thoughts ...

Can an Airplane take off if it's on a giant treadmill vices a runway?
yeah whenever im on the treadmill i hold out my hands and i start to fly around the gym and from my birds eye view i can see down all the womans shirts :evil:
Hell yes. A harrier though. If you gotta get a running start to dunk, could you do it from a treadmill under the rim?
No, because the plane is not actually moving forward on a treadmill, only its wheels are spinning.
treadmills can't go fast enough to keep up with a motocycle

what makes you think a giant treadmill could hold a jet down breh
Planes require "lift," or air passing past the wings in order to take off.  So no, it would not. 
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