Can I be fired for this?

Oct 15, 2007
I work at a dorm, making sure people swipe their id's for when I'm not in class. since we're closing today we were told to be more strict thanusual.
just now this white kid knocked on the door
and i said
"swipe your I.D."
he says
"I don't have it! open the door!
I then proceed to
, wtf?"
needless to say he has still not yet been let in.
Thats how it is over here, though im not sure what they do if you don't have your id. I would of done the same thing...people get mad at me when theirapproaching the door and I don't open it for them. Never know..
nah not for doing my job, for not being friendly to him. they expressed that they don't like rudeness for the deskworkers when i started this job.
I could have looked him up in the system and I would have if he just said he didn't have his I.D. but telling me to open the door in the way he said it ledto him being left outside.
I could have looked him up in the system and I would have if he just said he didn't have his I.D. but telling me to open the door in the way he said it led to him being left outside.
I mean we know your power hungry and gotta feel special but dang dirty c'mon..
dirty just burned you son. Your asking if you did your job, but yet fail to realize that dirty was just doing his.
well there arent door swipers???? at the dorms at my school so i wouldnt know but i probably woulda let him in or someone coming after him could have justopened the door for both of them
I make it a priority to get acquainted with every security guard/student worker with this job just in case even tho I never leave without my I.D.

Its his fault he doesn't seem busy cuz I'd be slammin da door if it was me and I had somethin to do, but then again its the middle of the day bravetime to break in a dorm and commit some crime

You're cool..when I lived in the dorms if you didn't have your I'D you were just s.o.l and there was no system to look it up. You just had to bangon the doot until someone got annoyed/heard you...
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