Career Move.. Vol. Help me choose the right words!

Dec 18, 2005
Shortest way I can explain the situation...
24 Yr old with a Bachelors in Information Technology (Computer networking related)

- I have been working help desk for 8 months and I have started to really dislike my job, it just doesn't make me happy anymore

- about 1.5 months ago I put in my 2 weeks notice because I thought I had another job but there was a discrepencancy in the Pre- Employment Screening (Background, credit check ETC)

- I did not get the other job and my boss didn't want to take me back, He ended up taking me back because he fired another employee and he  "needed me"

- I got to keep my job luckily but he was skeptical i would try to pull that again(leaving to another job, Network admin position) 

-2 months later i found a new job

- Got lucky and found a new job where I am 100 % hired, 15K increase in salary and better for my career. The New company is just counting down the days until I start...

How do I quit again????

Its hard because my boss and I already have an awkward silence towards each other because I think he is bitter I tried to quit on him once before.

Essentially I'm trying to keep the reference but it seems like I burned that bridge? How do I ask for my paid vacation? Should I make up a sob story?

To help with the excuses, my parents own a cafe in town... maybe I can use that as a getaway plan? something like the owners are sick and they need someone to cover full time...

Thank You NT
ehh you got the job so just quit

did give him a 2 weeks notice again? if so f him
Just be straight forward with him, " I found a job that will help my career and better suit me in the future, I appreciated working here and it was a good learning experience." You shouldn't lie about it, because it could make for awkward situations in the future.
Definitely don't make a false excuse. Just be straight up that you want more than working at a help desk and you need a change in your life. It's honest, it makes sense, if he gets pissed off then that's all his fault. What's he going to do, force you to keep your job?
there's no need to be cordial about putting in your notice. it seems like he hates your guts already, so you wouldn't want him as a reference anyway.

" How do I ask for my paid vacation? "

don't they just automatically add that to your final paycheck?
Better to be honest. You're looking to help your career by getting another job that pays more and will teach you more. I think any manager should understand that. He may not like it, but I think he will at least respect the decision.
lol to make matters worse I just casually left work 30 min early yesterday and then a ton of calls came in, I was in trouble this morning and today is the day I was going to talk to him about it.
did you ask for the job back, or did he ask you back? if he asked you back, eff him and give your two weeks.
Tell the truth. It's just business, not personal. Your happiness comes first.
I asked him after they fired the other guy, he was kind of reluctant but he realized he needed someone to cover... I've been here ever since..
Originally Posted by nightruans

I asked him after they fired the other guy, he was kind of reluctant but he realized he needed someone to cover... I've been here ever since..

did you tell him that you wouldnt be looking for another job? if not, it is what it is.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by nightruans

I asked him after they fired the other guy, he was kind of reluctant but he realized he needed someone to cover... I've been here ever since..

did you tell him that you wouldnt be looking for another job? if not, it is what it is.
i had intentions to stay but when that offer came up, i was reeled in.. went through the interview process and was accepted...

walked in there and told him I'm going to work with my parents..
He said its cool and he understands family first...

little does he know I'm gonna be banking

I told my new employer my start date is on the 22nd so I get a week off of work

ALL IS WELL, thanks NT, I Lied lol
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